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2023Characterization of the antioxidant activity, carotenoid profile by HPLC-MS of exotic Colombian fruits (goldenberry and purple passion fruit) and optimization of antioxidant activity of this fruit blendNaranjo Durán, Ana María; Quintero Quiroz, Julián; Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy; Contreras Calderón, José del Carmen
2022Effect of the concentration, pH, and Ca2+ Ions on the rheological properties of concentrate proteins from quinoa, lentil, and black beanQuintero Quiroz, Julián; Torres Oquendo, Juan Diego; Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Rojas Camargo, John; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy; Delgado, Efren
2024Effect of the structural modification of plant proteins as microencapsulating agents of bioactive compounds from annatto seeds (Bixa orellana L.)Quintero Quiroz, Julián; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy; Torres Oquendo, Juan Diego; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Delgado, Efrén; Velázquez, Víctor