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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021A path collective variable for extracting free energy profiles from cryo-electron microscopyGiraldo Barreto, Julian David
2022Ab initio metadynamics determination of temperature-dependent free-energy landscape in ultrasmall silver clustersSucerquia Gaviria, Daniel
2020Cross-validation tests for cryo-electron microscopy using an independent set of imagesOrtiz Girón, Jhoan Sebastián
2014Effects of a disulfide bridge prior to amyloid formation of the ABRI peptideCeballos Robledo, Jorge; Giraldo Cadavid, Marco Antonio; Cossio Tejada, Pilar
2007Exchange Bias en Bicapas Magnéticas Ferro-Antiferro : simulación Monte CarloRestrepo Cárdenas, Johans; Cossio Tejada, Pilar
2022Predicting the affinity of compstatin peptide with non-natural amino acids to human C3c protein by scoring molecular dynamics simulationsMuñoz Gomez, Kelly Yohana
2006Simulación Monte Carlo de películas delgadas ferromagnéticasCossio Tejada, Pilar; Mazo Zuluaga, Johan; Restrepo Cárdenas, Johans