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2020Antibody Responses Against Anopheles darlingi Immunogenic Peptides in Plasmodium Infected HumansMontiel Ramos, Jehidys; Tobón Castaño, Alberto; Londoño Rentería, Berlin Luxelly; Escobedo Vargas, Karin; Fisher, Michael L.; Lenhart, Audrey E.; Calvo, Eric; Conway, Michael J.; Romero, Luz; Bosantes, María; Valdivia, Hugo O.; Vásquez, Gissella M.
2023Diversity of the Bacterial and Viral Communities in the Tropical Horse Tick, Dermacentor nitens, in ColombiaCalle Tobón, Arley Fernando; Holguín Rocha, Andrés Felipe; Vélez Tobón, Gabriel Jaime; Tobón Castaño, Alberto; Fisher, Michael L.; Maldonado Ruiz, L. Paulina; Park, Yoonseong; Silver, Kristopher; Astete, Helvio; Londoño Rentería, Berlín Luxelly; Vásquez, Gissella M.
2020IgG antibody response against Anopheles salivary gland proteins in asymptomatic Plasmodium infections in Narino, ColombiaCarbal Reyes, Luisa Fernanda; Tobón Castaño, Alberto; Londoño Rentería, Berlín Luxelly; Montiel Ramos, Jehidys; Fisher, Michael L.; Vásquez, Gissella M.