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2002C455R notch3 mutation in a Colombian CADASIL kindred with early onset of strokeArboleda Velásquez, Joseph Fitzgerald; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; López Alzate, María Elizabeth; Frosch, Matthew P.; Sepúlveda Falla, Diego; Gutiérrez, Juan E.; Vargas, S.; Álvarez Medina, María de Lourdes; Medina, M.; Martínez de Arrieta, C.; Lebo, R. V.; Slaugenhaupt, S. A.; Betensky, Rebecca A.; Sánchez Villegas, Almudena; Arcos Burgos, Oscar Mauricio; Rivera, D.; Restrepo Medrano, Juan Carlos; Kosik, Kenneth S.
2022Distinct tau neuropathology and cellular profiles of an APOE3 Christchurch homozygote protected against autosomal dominant Alzheimer's dementiaAguillón Niño, David Fernando; Quiroz Gaviria, Yakeel Tatiana; Baena, Ana; Sepulveda Falla, Diego Alonso; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Almeida, María Camila; Boassa, Daniela; Acosta Uribe, Juliana; Vila Castelar, Clara; Ramírez Gómez, Liliana; Sánchez, Justin S.; Villalba Moreno, Nelson David; Littau, Jessica Lisa; Villegas Lanau, Carlos Andrés; Beach, Thomas G.; White 3rd, Charles L.; Ellisman, Mark; Krasemann, Susanne; Glatzel, Markus; Johnson, Keith A.; Sperling, Reisa A.; Reiman, Eric M.; Arboleda Velásquez, Joseph Fitzgerald; Kosik, Kenneth S.
2014Origin of the PSEN1 E280A mutation causing early–onset Alzheimer’s diseaseArcila, Mary L.; Cadavid Celis, Liliana; Moreno Másmela, Sonia; García Ospina, Gloria Patricia; Madrigal, Lucía; Arcos Burgos, Oscar Mauricio; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Lalli, Matthew A.; Cox, Hannah C.; Brunkow, Mary E.; Glusman, Gustavo; Roach, Jared C.; Hood, Leroy; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Reiman, Eric M.
1999The impact of different presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 mutations on amyloid pososition, neurofibrillary changes and neuronal loss in the familial Alzheimer's disease brain. Evidence for other phenotype-modifying factorsGómez Isla, Teresa; Growdon, Whitfield B.; McNamara, Megan J.; Nochlin, David; Bird, Thomas D.; Arango Viana, Juan Carlos; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Lantos, Peter L.; Cairns, Nigel J.; Hyman, Bradley T.
2013Variants in triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 are associated with both behavioral variant frontotemporal lobar degeneration and Alzheimer’s diseaseGiraldo Chica, Margarita María; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Carvajal Castrillón, Julián; Muñoz Zapata, Claudia Cecilia; Siniard, Ashley L.; Corneveaux, Jason J.; Schrauwen, Isabelle; Ramirez Restrepo, Manuel; Gaiteri, Chris; Myers, Amanda J.; Caselli, Richard J.; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Reiman, Eric M.; Huentelman, Matthew J.
2016β-Secretase 1’s Targeting Reduces Hyperphosphorilated Tau, Implying Autophagy Actors in 3xTg-AD MicePiedrahita, Diego; Castro Álvarez, John Fredy; Boudreau, Ryan L.; Villegas Lanau, Carlos Andrés; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Gallego Gómez, Juan Carlos; Cardona Gómez, Gloria Patricia