Buscar por Autor Ordóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017Effect of potential screening on the H2 autoionizing statesOrdóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Sanz Vicario, José Luis; Martín García, Fernando
2013Feshbach projection approach to study plasma effects on doubly excited autoionizing states in heliumOrdóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Cardona Gómez, Juan Carlos; Sanz Vicario, José Luis
2012Feshbach-like study of He resonant states in Debye plasmas using explicitly correlated wave functionsCardona Gómez, Juan Carlos; Ordóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Sanz Vicario, José Luis
2015Molecular structure of one-electron diatomic molecules subject to plasma screening and its e ect on the dynamicsOrdóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Sanz Vicario, José Luis; Martín García, Fernando
2014On the behavior of the n1(K, T)A n2 series of doubly excited states in He-like atoms immersed in weakly coupled plasmasOrdóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Cardona Gómez, Juan Carlos; Sanz Vicario, José Luis
2017Screening effects on the electronic structure of the hydrogen molecular ionOrdóñez Lasso, Andrés Felipe; Martín García, Fernando; Sanz Vicario, José Luis