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2011Benefits of tight blood pressure control in diabetic patients with hypertension: importance of early and sustained implementation of effective treatment strategiesOchoa Múnera, Juan Eugenio; Parati, Gianfranco; Bilo, Grzegorz
2020Hypertension and the roles of the 9p21.3 risk locus: Classic findings and new association dataBedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Gallo Bonilla, Juan Esteban; McEwen Ochoa, Juan Guillermo; Ochoa Múnera, Juan Eugenio; Misas Rivas, Elizabeth; Gallo Villegas, Jaime Alberto; Aristizábal Ocampo, Dagnóvar; Correa, Mónica; Warren, Helen R.; Caulfield, Mark J.; Parati, Gianfranco; Clay, Oliver K.
2012Relationship between Arterial Stiffness, Cardiac Baroreflex Sensitivity and Blood Pressure Variability in Normotensive Healthy AdultsOchoa Munera, Juan Eugenio; Correa Correa, Monica; McEwen Ochoa, Juan Guillermo; Gallo Villegas, Jaime Alberto; Grzegorza, Bilo; Aristizabal Ocampo, Dagnovar; Parati, Gianfranco; Valencia Carmona, Ángela María; Salvi, D.