Buscar por Autor Picón Jácome, Edgar

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017A Process to Support the Validity of an Oral Assessment by Raising AuthenticityGrillet Rodríguez, Patricia
2017Analysis of University Management of Emerging Technologies and Recommendations for Developing Countries.Picón Jácome, Edgar; Villa Enciso, Eliana María; Valencia Arias, Alejandro; Jiménez Hernández, Claudia Nelcy
2018Electronic Commerce : Factors Involved in its Adoption from a Bibliometric AnalysisPicón Jácome, Edgar; Villa Enciso, Eliana María; Valencia Arias, Alejandro; Ruiz Herrera, Luis German
2017Exploring the Washback of a Renewed Assessment System on TeachingQuinchía Monroy, Mabel Cristina
2014Using Formative Performance Assessment to Foster the Development of Students' English Language Pragmatic CompetenceTangarife Sánchez, Astrid
2014Young Learners' Self-Assessment : Understanding and Regulating the Development of Language Ability in EFLRestrepo Bolivar, Erika Marcela