Buscar por Autor Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Analysis of Conformational Preferences in CaffeineRojas Valencia, Natalia Andrea; Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso; Gómez, Sara
2014Exotic noble gas carbene-like ionsMoreno Prieto, Norberto; Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso; Hadad Arriagada, Cacier Zilahy
2009Proton Affinity and Protonation Sites in p-NitroanilineJaramillo Paniagua, Cinthia; Moreno Ariza, Luis Fernando; Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso
2009Solution theory model for thermophysical properties of refrigerant/lubricant mixturesRestrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso; Bent, Gary; Michels, Harvey
2011Structural studies of the water pentamerHadad Arriagada, Cacier Zilahy; Guerra Tamayo, Doris Lucia; David, Jorge; Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso
2022The Role of Spike Protein Mutations in the Infectious Power of SARS-COV-2 Variants: A Molecular Interaction PerspectiveAgudelo Gómez, Santiago; Rojas Valencia, Natalia Andrea; Restrepo Cossio, Albeiro Alonso; Gómez, Sara; Cappelli, Chiara