Buscar por Autor Silva Villa, Esteban

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2008Determination of the IMF in the LMC Stellar Cluster NGC 2156Zuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Silva Villa, Esteban; Sirianni, Marco
2022Dinámica y distribución de masa en el disco grueso de la galaxiaVilla Durango, Mónica Alejandra
2019Identificación de sitios potenciales para la observación astronómica usando detección remotaArbeláez Cardona, Daniel
2015No evidence for significant age spreads in young massive LMC clustersSilva Villa, Esteban; Niederhofer, F.; Hilker, M.; Bastian, N.
2021Planetary nebulae associated with galactic star clustersGonzalez Díaz, Danilo
2023Search for evidence in favor of the density wave theory from the study of resolved stellar populations in galaxies M83, M101 and M33Cano Gómez, Ximena
2012The relation between surface star formation rate density and spiral arms in NGC 5236 (M 83)Silva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2013The Snapshot Hubble U-band Cluster Survey (SHUCS). I. Survey Description and First Application to the Mixed Star Cluster Population of NGC 4041Silva Villa, Esteban; Konstantopoulos, I. S.; Smith, L. J.; Adamo, A.; Gallagher, J.S; Bastian, N.; Ryon, J. E.; Westmoquette, M. S.; Zackrisson, E.; Larsen, S. S.; Weisz, D. R; Charlton, J. C.
2011The star cluster – field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies II. Field star and cluster formation histories and their relationSilva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2010The star cluster-field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies I. Data analysis techniques and application to NGC 4395Silva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren