Buscar por Autor Álvarez Montoya, Andrés Camilo

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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Effect of hydrocarbons on the ammonia selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides under typical diesel engine exhausts conditions over copper-based zeolitesÁlvarez Montoya, Andrés Camilo
2022Kinetics of the thermal degradation of phenolic compounds from achiote leaves (Bixa orellana L.) and its effect on the antioxidant activityZapata Montoya, José Edgar; Sepúlveda Rincón, Cindy Tatiana; Álvarez Montoya, Andrés Camilo
2022Modelling of the kinetics of red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) viscera enzymatic hydrolysis using mathematical and neural network modelsÁlvarez Montoya, Andrés Camilo; Sepúlveda Rincón, Cindy Tatiana; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar