Buscar por Autor Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés

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2021Calidad microbiológica en función del tiempo en dietas para trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) elaboradas con ensilado de vísceras de tilapia roja (Oreochromis spp.)Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés; Montes Álvarez, Julio Ricardo; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar
2021Determination of ochratoxin a in coffee by ELISA method and its relationship with the physical, physicochemical and microbiological propertiesMonsalve Atencio, Robinson David; Sánchez Soto, Karolay; Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés; Lopera Cardona, Seneida María; Ortiz Reyes, Blanca Lucía
2021Effect of the drying method and texture improvers on reconstitution behavior of yogurt powder: physical and microbiological propertiesMonsalve Atencio, Robinson David; Sánchez Soto, Karolay; Bravo Chica, Juan Javier; Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés; Saldarriaga, Johana; Quintero Quiroz, Julián
2021Evaluation of the environmental impact of dry chemical silage obtained from the viscera of red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) using ecological footprint methodologyZapata Montoya, José Edgar; Gaviria Gaviria, Yhoan Sebastián; Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés
2022Interaction between phospholipase and transglutaminase in the production of semi-soft fresh cheese and its effect on the yield, composition, microstructure and textural propertiesMonsalve Atencio, Robinson David; Vega Castro, Oscar Alfonso; Sánchez Soto, Karolay; Bravo Chica, Juan Javier; Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés
2021Sorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of the dry silage of red tilapia viscera (Oreochromis spp.) obtained in a direct solar dryerZapata Montoya, José Edgar; Camaño Echavarría, Jairo Andrés; Rivera Torres, Ana María