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2009A Narrow and Highly Significant Linkage Signal for Severe Bipolar Disorder in the Chromosome 5q33 Region in Latin American PedigreesJasinska, Anna; Service, Susan; Jawaheer, Damini; DeYoung, Joseph; Levinson, Matthew; Kremeyer, Barbara; Aldana, I; García Valencia, Jenny; Restrepo Botero, Gabriel Jaime; Palacio Acosta, Carlos Alberto; Duque Vélez, Constanza Elena; Parra Marín, María Victoria; Vega Parra, Jorge Arturo; Ortíz Barrientos, Daniel; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Mathews, Carol; Davanzo, Pablo; Fournier, Eduardo; Bejarano, Julio; Arguedas Ramírez, María Gabriela; Araya Ortíz, C; Araya, Xinia; Molina, Julio; Sabattini, Chiara; Reus, Victor; Ospina Duque, Jorge; Macaya, Gabriel; Ruíz Linares, Andrés; Freimer, Nelson; López Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto