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2025In vitro and in vivo leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activities of isoflavans from Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) G. Nicholson timber by-productsCorrea Garcés, Edwin Andrés; Robledo Restrepo, Sara María; Echeverri López, Luis Fernando; Quiñones Fletcher, Winston; Arbeláez Córdoba, Natalia; Murillo, Javier; Pineda Aristizábal, Cindy Tatiana; Torres, Fernando
2023Screening of the antileishmanial and antiplasmodial potential of synthetic 2-arylquinoline analogsRobledo Restrepo, Sara María; Espinosa Sáez, Roger; Pineda, Tatiana; Murillo, Javier; Zúñiga, César; Yañez, Osvaldo; Cantero López, Plinio; Sáez Vega, Alex; Guzmán Teran, Camilo