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2013A new species of Castilleja (Orobanchaceae) from the páramos of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera, with comments on its association with Plantago rigida (Plantaginaceae)González Garavito, Favio Antonio; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2020Anatomical and genetic bases underlying convergent evolution of fleshy and dry dehiscent fruits in Cestrum and Brugmansia (Solanaceae)Hernández Ciro, Natalí
2017Aristolochia keratuma (Aristolochiaceae), nueva especie de la serie Thyrsicae del Chocó (Colombia) y clave de identificación para sus especiesGonzález Garavito, Favio Antonio; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2013Assessing duplication and loss of APETALA1/FRUITFULL homologs in RanunculalesPabón Mora, Natalia; Hidalgo, Oriane; Gleissberg, Stefan; Litt, Amy
25-jul-2023Assessment of the flowering genetic regulatory network in tropical orchids with different lifeformsMafrigal Bedoya, Yesenia; Pabón Mora, Natalia; Scanlon, Michael; Bemer, Marian; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando
2024Back together: Over 1000 single-copy nuclear loci and reproductive features support the holoendoparasitic Apodanthaceae and Rafflesiaceae as sister lineages in the order MalpighialesAlzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando; Pabón Mora, Natalia; González Garavito, Favio Antonio
2018Duplication and Diversification of REPLUMLESS – A Case Study in the PapaveraceaePabón Mora, Natalia; Zumajo Cardona, Cecilia; Ambrose, Barbara A.
2017El enigma genético de la simetría de las floresMadrigal Mora, Yesenia; Pabón Mora, Natalia
23-jul-2024Evolution and expression of the flowering integrator genes AGL24, SVP, and SOC1 in the endoholoparasitic ApodanthaceaeRamírez Ramírez, Jessica Andrea; González Galido, Angie Daniela; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando; González Garavito, Favio Antonio; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2017Evolution and expression patterns of TCP genes in asparagalesMadrigal Bedoya, Yesenia; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2018Evolution of genes associated with gynoecium patterning and fruit development in SolanaceaeOrtiz Ramírez, Clara Inés; Plata Arboleda, Sayonara; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2023Evolution of major fowering pathway integrators in OrchidaceaeMadrigal Bedoya, Yesenia; Pabón Mora, Natalia; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando
2017Evolution of the SPATULA/ALCATRAZ gene lineage and expression analyses in the basal eudicot, Bocconia frutescens L. (Papaveraceae)Zumajo Cardona, Cecilia; Ann Ambrose, Bárbara; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2021Expression of storage lipid biosynthesis transcription factors and enzymes in Jatropha curcas L. cell suspension cultures and seedsCarmona Rojas, Laura Michell; Urrea Trujillo, Aura Inés; Gil Arrendondo, Daniel; Atehortúa Garcés, Lucía; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2014First reports and generic descriptions of the achlorophyllous holoparasites Apodanthaceae (Cucurbitales) of ColombiaPabón Mora, Natalia; González, Favio
2017Inflorescence and floral traits of the Colombian species of Tristerix (Loranthaceae) related to hummingbird pollinationGonzález Garavito, Favio Antonio; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2022Key players in the reproductive transition in neotropical orchids : a departure from model monocotsMadrigal Bedoya, Yesenia; Scanlon, Michael; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2016Limited mitogenomic degradation in response to a parasitic lifestyle in OrobanchaceaePabón Mora, Natalia; González, Favio; Mower, Jeffrey P.; Fan, Weishu; Zhu, Andan; Kozaczek, Melisa; Shah, Neethu
2019Metabolomic profile of cacao cell suspensions growing in blue light/dark conditions with potential in food biotechnologyGallego Rúa, Adriana María; Rojas Hoyos, Luisa Fernanda; Rodríguez Cabal, Hector Alejandro; Mora Velásquez, Conrado Iván; Garcés Atehortúa, Lucía; Urrea Trujillo, Aura Inés; Guiltinan, Mark J.; Maximova, Siela N.; Gaquerel, Emmanuel; Zuluaga, Martha; Pabón Mora, Natalia
22-jul-2024Morpho-anatomy of the flower-to-fruit transition in selected Andean LoranthaceaeBotero Castaño, Valentina; González Garavito, Favio Antonio; Pabón Mora, Natalia; Zumajo Cardona, Cecilia