Buscar por Autor Restrepo Agudelo, Adriana María

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2012Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the Dorsal Skin of Hamsters: a Useful Model for the Screening of Antileishmanial DrugsRobledo Restrepo, Sara María; Carrillo Bonilla, Lina María; Rodríguez, Berardo de Jesús; Daza Figueredo, Juan Alejandro; Restrepo Agudelo, Adriana María; Muñoz Herrera, Diana Lorena; Tobón Peña, Jairo Andrés; Murillo Arroyave, Javier Darío; López Arias, Anderson; Ríos Úsuga, Carolina; Mesa Castro, Carol Vanesa; Yulieth Alexandra, Upegui Zapata; Valencia Tobón, Alejandro; Mondragón Shem, Karina; Vélez Bernal, Iván Darío
2017In vitro and in vivo antileishmanial activity of Artemisia annua L. leaf powder and its potential usefulness in the treatment of uncomplicated cutaneous leishmaniasis in humansMesa Bedoya, Luz Estella; Vásquez Hincapié, Daniel Alberto; Restrepo Agudelo, Adriana María; Vélez Bernal, Iván Darío; Lutgen, Pierre; Ortiz, Isabel; Robledo Restrepo, Sara María
2005In Vitro and In Vivo Cytotoxicities and Antileishmanial Activities of Thymol and Hemisynthetic DerivativesRobledo Restrepo, Sara María; Osorio Durango, Edison; Muñoz Herrera, Diana Lorena; Jaramillo Pérez, Luz Marina; Restrepo Agudelo, Adriana María; Arango Acosta, Gabriel Jaime; Vélez Bernal, Iván Darío
28-jun-2022The triterpene hederagenin glucoside saponins and chromane hydrazone 2-(2,3-dihydro-4h-1- benzopyran-4-ylidene) hydrazide as active ingredients of topical formulation to treat cutaneous leishmaniasisPiragauta, Sandra; Higuita Castro, Jorge Luis; Arbeláez Córdoba, Natalia; Restrepo Agudelo, Adriana María; Archbold Joseph, Rosendo; Quiñones Fletcher, Wiston; Torres, Fernando; Echeverri López, Luis Fernando; Escobar Peláez, Gustavo; Vélez Bernal, Iván Darío; Montoya Cuervo, Edwin Andrés; Robledo Restrepo, Sara María