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2018The Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative Autosomal-Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease Trial: A study of crenezumab versus placebo in preclinical PSEN1 E280A mutation carriers to evaluate efficacy and safety in the treatment of autosomal-dominant Alzheimer’s disease, including a placebo-treated noncarrier cohortLopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Ríos Romenets, Silvia; Giraldo Chica, Margarita María; Acosta Baena, Natalia; Tobón Quintero, Carlos Andrés; Ramos Pérez, Claudia Patricia; Langbaum, Jessica B.; Tariot, Pierre N.; Thomas, Ronald; Hendrix, Suzanne; Schneider, Lon S.; Espinosa, Alejandro; Cho, William; Ward, Michael; Clayton, David; Friesenhahn, Michael; Mackey, Howard; Honigberg, Lee; Sanabria Bohórquez, Sandra; Chen, Kewei; Walsh, Trisha; Langlois, Carolyn; Reiman, Eric M.