Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente : [54] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 54 de 54
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Exploring Critical Literacy Activities to Promote Students' Adoption of Critical Stances Toward Texts in an EFL ClassGiraldo Narváez, Luz Elena
2020Making Heritages Available : Using Translanguaging to Foster 6th Graders’ Reading ComprehensionEspinosa Muñoz, Marlon David
2020Promoting Dialogic Action Through the Expansion of Language Learners' Communicative RepertoiresGómez Giraldo, John Steven
2020Task Based Learning Approach to Foster EFL Learners’ Listening and Speaking SkillsZuluaga Franco, Santiago
2020Raising Awareness About Violent Language Portrayed in Media Content by Implementing a CML Pedagogical Intervention in an EFL ClassGómez Hincapié, Cristian Alejandro
2020Creating a Safe Learning Environment for the English Class Through Project WorkGutiérrez Montoya, Erika Johana
2020Comment la méthode de Four Resources Model (FRM) peut faciliter la lecture critique chez les apprenants débutants de FLE à Multilingua?Ledesma Chica, Andrés Felipe
2020Addressing Violence through Critical Multicultural Education in an EFL ClassTamayo Cuartas, Walter Nicolás
2020Reinforcing Ninth Graders’ Oral Production through Multiliteracies ApproachVillegas Henao, Yury Dinency
2020Using Critical Media Literacy (CML) to Promote Students’ Critical Awareness in a 10th Grade EFL Class in the East of AntioquiaHerrera Hurtado, Dany Arbey
2019Fostering Students’ Capacity to Reflect Through Formative Assessment StrategiesOrrego Restrepo, Lizeth Elena
2020How does the implementation of a CML project allow 11th graders to challenge Cultural Representations of drugs, sex, and consumerism in their EFL class?García Rojas, Santiago
2020Implementing Project-Based Learning to Improve Tenth Graders’ Writing skillBedoya Osorio, Mateo
2019Fostering Learners’ Skills to Self-Regulate Their Learning through Enquiry-Based LearningArango Montes, Rodolfo
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 54 de 54