Artículos de Revista en Farmacéutica y Alimentarias : [713] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 713
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021COVID-19 in Colombia endpoints. Are we different, like Europe?Amariles Muñoz, Pedro; Ceballos Rueda, Javier Mauricio; Granados Vega, Elkyn Johan; Montoya Guarín, Carlos Julio
2020Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in ColombiaAmariles Muñoz, Pedro; Ceballos Rueda, Javier Mauricio; González Giraldo, Cesar Augusto
2020Intervenciones farmacéuticas y desenlaces clínicos en un programa de gerenciamiento de antimicrobianosGranados Vega, Elkyn Johan; Holguín Yepes, Héctor Alejandro; Amariles Muñoz, Pedro; Ospina Barragán, William Pascual; Pinzón, Miguel Alejandro
2020Evaluation of the effects of a drug with fiscalized substance dispensation, health education, and pharmacovigilance continuing education program in Colombia drugstores and drugstores/pharmacies: study protocol of a multicenter, cluster-randomized controlled trialCeballos Rueda, Javier Mauricio; Amariles Muñoz, Pedro; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Sabater Hernández, Daniel
2020Long-term impact of pharmacist intervention in patients with bipolar disorder: extended follow-up to the EMDADER-TAB studyAmariles Muñoz, Pedro; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Hincapié García, Jaime Alejandro; González Avendaño, John Sebastián
2019Perspective on the therapeutics of anti-snake venomSalazar Ospina, Andrea; Gómez Betancur, Isabel Cristina; Gogineni, Vedanjali; León, Francisco
2022Loss of Sensory Cup Quality: Physiological and Chemical Changes during Green Coffee StorageGallardo Cabrera, Cecilia; Pazmiño Arteaga, Jhonathan David; González Rodríguez, Tzitziki; Winkler, Robert
2021Marine macroalgae: A source of chemical compounds with photoprotective and antiaging capacity¿an updated reviewMejía Giraldo, Juan Camilo; Luna Pérez, Yonadys; Puertas Mejía, Miguel Ángel
2020Physicochemical properties of bean pod (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour and its potential as a raw material for the food industryGallardo Cabrera, Cecilia; Mejía Díaz, Diana Paola; Contreras Calderón, José del Carmen; Martínez Castaño, Marcela
2020Comparison of the photoprotective effect between hydrolyzed and aglycones flavonoids as sunscreen: A systematic reviewMejía Giraldo, Juan Camilo; Monsalve Bustamante, Yessica Andrea; Puertas Mejía, Miguel Ángel
2019Screening of the UV absorption capacity, proximal and chemical characterization of extracts, and polysaccharide fractions of the Gracilariopsis tenuifrons cultivated in ColombiaMejía Giraldo, Juan Camilo; Monsalve Bustamante, Yessica Andrea; Rincón Valencia, Stefanie; Moreno Tirado, Diego Andrés; Puertas Mejía, Miguel Ángel
2019Estudio de estabilidad acelerado en café verde: una aproximación sensorialGallardo Cabrera, Cecilia; Pazmiño Arteaga, Jhonathan David; Hernández Arcia, Yina Marcela; Ruiz Márquez, Andrés Felipe; Luna Pérez, Yonadys
2017Uso de modelos lineales mixtos para la estimación del tiempo de vida útil de un medicamentoPazmiño Arteaga, Jhonathan David; González Álvarez, Nelfi Gertrudis
2021A novel insecticidal spider peptide that affects the mammalian voltage-gated ion channel hkv1.5Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Clement Carretero, Herlinda; Corzo Burguete, Gerardo; Alvarado, Diana; Cardoso Arenas, Samuel; Arenas, Iván; Montero Domínguez, Pavel Andrei; Olamendi Portugal, Timoteo; Zamudio, Fernando; Csoti, Agota; Borrego, Jesús; Panyi, Gyorgy; Papp, Ferenc
2021Modified-release of encapsulated bioactive compounds from annatto seeds produced by optimized ionic gelation techniquesQuintero Quiroz, Julián; Naranjo Durán, Ana María; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy Luz
2021Antimicrobial, shelf-life stability, and effect of maltodextrin and gum arabic on the encapsulation efficiency of sugarcane bagasse bioactive compoundsQuintero Quiroz, Julián; Velázquez Martínez, Víctor; Valles Rosales, Delia; Rodríguez Uribe, Laura; Holguín, Omar; Reyes Jaquez, Damian; Rodríguez Borbón, Manuel Iván; Villagrán Villegas, Luz Yazmin; Delgado, Efrén
2020Lipidic matrices of Essential oils: A developing strategy to preserve their biological activity and improve their stabilityCabrera Navarro, Sergio Andrés; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo
2020Rheological, thermal and microestructural data of lemon essential oil structured with fatty gelatorsCabrera Navarro, Sergio Andrés; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo
2008Autochthonous white rot fungi from the tropical forest of Colombia for dye decolourisation and ligninolytic enzymes productionFranco Molano, Ana Esperanza; Arboleda Echavarria, Carolina; Mejia Gallón, Amanda Inés; Jiménez Tobón, Gloria Alicia; Penninckx, Michel J.
2020Oleogels and their contribution in the production of healthier food products: the fats of the futureCabrera Navarro, Sergio Andrés; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Moreno Baltazar, Luis Alfredo
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 713