Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 301 a 320 de 713
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2008 | Similarities and differences in the autonomic control of airway and urinary bladder smooth muscle | Parra, Sergio; Michel, Martin C. |
2004 | Inhibition of the Toxic Effects of Lachesis muta, Crotalus durissus cumanensis and Micrurus mipartitus Snake Venoms by Plant Extracts | Núñez Rangel, Vitelbina; Otero Patino, Rafael; Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline; Fonnegra Gómez, Ramiro de Jesús; Jiménez Ramírez, Silvia Luz; Osorio Gutiérrez, Raúl Guillermo; Quintana Castillo, Juan Carlos; Díaz Cadavid, Abel |
2008 | Antiprotozoal Activity of Ethanol Extracts of Some Bomarea Species | Alzate Guarín, Fernando; Jiménez Úsuga, Nora Del Socorro; Weniger, Bernard; Bastida Armengol, Jaume; Gimenez, Alberto; Ruiz, Grace |
2005 | Three new species of Bomarea (Alstroemeriaceae) from the Andean region of Colombia | Alzate Guarin, Fernando |
2012 | Alimentos típicos de Boyacá, Colombia | Vega Castro, Óscar Alfonso; López Barón, Francy Nataly |
2015 | Análisis bibliométrico de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en Latinoamérica | Osorio Bedoya, Edwin Jair; Cárdenas, Santiago |
2014 | Pro-apoptotic effect of Persea americana var. Hass (avocado) on Jurkat lymphoblastic leukemia cells | Pereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés; Bonilla Porras, Angélica Rocio; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto |
2016 | Linalool reverses neuropathological and behavioral impairments in old triple transgenic Alzheimer's mice | Sabogal Guáqueta, Angélica María; Osorio Durango, Edison; Cardona Gómez, Gloria Patricia |
2015 | The flavonoid quercetin ameliorates Alzheimer's disease pathology and protects cognitive and emotional function in aged triple transgenic Alzheimer´s disease model mice | Sabogal Guáqueta, Angélica María; Muñoz Manco, Juan Ignacio; Ramírez Pineda, José Robinson; Lamprea Rodríguez, Marisol; Osorio Durango, Edison; Cardona Gómez, Gloria Patricia |
2013 | Cu(Nor)2_5H2O, a complex of Cu(II) with Norfloxacin: theoretic approach and biological studies. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity in cell cultures | Tobón Zapata, Gloria Elena; Henao Castaneda, Isabel Cristina; Benavides Arevalo, Julie Fernanda; Franco, C. A.; Leon, I. E.; Etcheverry, S. B. |
2011 | Pharmacological Developments Obtained from Marine Natural Products and Current Pipeline Perspectives | Galeano Jaramillo, Elkin de Jesús; Martínez Martínez, Alejandro; Rojas, Jhon J. |
2008 | Evaluación de la actividad inhibitoria sobre la enzima dihidrofolato reductasa de los extractos de esponjas marinas del Golfo de Urabá | Echavarría Zuluaga, Bibiana; Zabala González, Diego Alejandro; Martínez Martínez, Alejandro |
2018 | MipLAAO, a new L-amino acid oxidase from the redtail coral snake Micrurus mipartitus | Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola; Acosta Silva, Cristian Javier; Torres Lamus, Uday Daniel; Saldarriaga Córdoba, Mónica María; Lomonte, Bruno; Núñez Rangel, Vitelbina |
2003 | Bioconversion of poly (vinylalcohol) -PVOH- to vanillin in a Phanerochaete chrysosporium culture medium | Mejía Gallón, Amanda Inés; López Osorio, Betty Lucy; Hess, Michael |
2014 | Effects of spray drying conditions and the addition of surfactants on the foaming properties of a whey protein concentrate | Osorio Arias, Juan Camilo; Vega Castro, Oscar Alfonso; Simpson, Ricardo; Monjes, Juliana; Ramírez, Cristian; Pinto, Marlene |
2023 | Biodegradation of plastics by white-rot fungi: A review | Bautista Zamudio, Paula Andrea; Flórez Restrepo, María Alejandra; López Legarda, Xiomara; Monroy Giraldo, Leidy Carolina; Segura Sánchez, Freimar |
2002 | Envenenamiento aracnidico en las Americas | Quintana Castillo, Juan Carlos; Otero Patiño, Rafael |
2004 | Poly (Vinylalcohol-Co-Ethylene) Biodegradation on Semi Solid Fermentation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium | Arboleda Echavarría, Carolina; Mejía Gallón, Amanda Inés; López Osorio, Betty Lucy |
2013 | Effectiveness of Pharmacotherapy Follow-Up for the Control of Hypertensive Patients in Community Pharmacies: EMDADER-HTA Study | Amariles Muñoz, Pedro; Rodríguez Chamorro, Alfonso; García Jiménez, Emilio; Rodríguez Chamorro, Miguel Ángel; Martínez, Fernando; González García, Lorena; Pérez Merino, Eva María; Faus Dader, María José |
2011 | Antiproliferative Effect of Extracts and Fractions from the Calcareous Sponge Leucetta aff. floridana from the Colombian Caribbean | Márquez Fernández, Diana Margarita; Thomas, Olivier; Martínez Martínez, Alejandro; Márquez Fernández, Edna Judith |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 301 a 320 de 713
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