Artículos de Revista en Farmacéutica y Alimentarias : [713] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 713
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2024Renewing the potential of rice crop residues as value-added products in the cosmetics industryFlórez Acosta, Oscar Albeiro; Vargas Escobar, Paola; Corrales García, Ligia Luz
2023Exploring the potential of extracts from sloanea medusula and s. calva: formulating two skincare gels with antioxidant, sun protective factor, and anti-candida albicans activitiesQuintero Rincón, Patricia; Mesa Arango, Ana Cecilia; Flórez Acosta, Oscar Albeiro; Pino Benítez, Cruz Nayive; Zapata Zapata, Carolina; Stashenko, Elena
2023Sloanea chocoana and s. pittieriana (elaeocarpaceae): chemical and biological studies of ethanolic extracts and skincare propertiesQuintero Rincón, Patricia; Flórez Acosta, Oscar Albeiro; Pino Benítez, Cruz Nayive; Galeano Jaramillo, Elkin de Jesús; Rojo Uribe, Cris; Mesa Arango, Ana Cecilia
2021Incorporación de un novedoso complejo de tinidazol con propiedades antimicrobianas a dos formas semisólidas de uso tópicoMartínez Carmona, Dina Marcela; Tobón Zapata, Gloria Elena
2023Effect of processing methods on the postharvest quality of cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.)Agudelo Sánchez, Sara; Mosquera Palacios, Yadiela de Jesús; David Úsuga, Dairon Alberto; Cartagena Montoya, Susana; Duarte Correa, Yudy Stella
2024Standard quality characteristics and efficacy of a new third-generation antivenom developed in Colombia covering micrurus spp. venomsTabares Vélez, Santiago; Preciado Rojo, Lina María; Gómez Robles, Jeisson; Estrada Gómez, Sebastián; Vargas Muñoz, Leidy Johana; Madrid Bracamonte, Carlos Alberto; Zuluaga, Angelica; Renjifo Ibañez, Camila
2024Annatto-enriched egg improves the perception of satiety in healthy adults¿randomized clinical trial: EGGANT StudyGalvis Pérez, Yeisson Anibal; Pineda Santa, Keilly; Zapata Marín, Juliana; Aristizabal Rivera, Juan Carlos; Estrada Restrepo, Alejandro; Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline; Fernández, María Luz
2023Diuretic activity of the flavonoid pinostrobin previously identified from the species Renealmia alpiniaBenjumea Gutiérrez, Dora María; Lopera Londoño, Carolina; Melan, Cristhian; Vásquez Escobar, Julieta; Serna González, Alejandro; Patiño Llano, Arley Camilo
2023Knowledge about snake venoms and toxins from Colombia: a systematic reviewPereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés; Preciado Rojo, Lina María; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola
2023Heterologous expression of an insecticidal peptide obtained from the transcriptome of the colombian spider phoneutria depilateBenjumea Gutiérrez, Dora María; Lopera Londoño, Carolina; Vásquez Escobar, Julieta; Higuita Castro, Jorge Luis; Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Clement, Herlinda C.; Bolaños, Damaris I.; Corzo, Gerardo A.
2023Characterization of the antioxidant activity, carotenoid profile by HPLC-MS of exotic Colombian fruits (goldenberry and purple passion fruit) and optimization of antioxidant activity of this fruit blendNaranjo Durán, Ana María; Quintero Quiroz, Julián; Barona Acevedo, María Jacqueline; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy Luz; Contreras Calderón, José del Carmen
2023Evaluation of the analgesic effect of high-cannabidiol-content cannabis extracts in different pain models by using polymeric micelles as vehiclesRomán Vargas, Yoreny; Blandón Naranjo, Lucas Hernán; Benjumea Gutiérrez, Dora María; Pérez Pérez, León Darío; Porras Arguello, Julián David
2022Heterologous expression and immunogenic potential of the most abundant phospholipase A2 from coral snake micrurus dumerilii to develop antivenomsRomero Giraldo, Luz Elena; Pulido Muñoz, Sergio Andrés; Berrío, Mario A.; Flórez González, María Fernanda; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola; Núñez Rangel, Vitelbina; Pereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés
2022Effect of the concentration, pH, and Ca2+ Ions on the rheological properties of concentrate proteins from quinoa, lentil, and black beanQuintero Quiroz, Julián; Torres Oquendo, Juan Diego; Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Rojas Camargo, John Jairo; Ciro Gómez, Gelmy Luz; Delgado, Efrén
2022Epidemiology of snake bites linked with the antivenoms production in Colombia 2008-2020: produced vials do not meet the needsEstrada Gómez, Sebastián; Higuita Gutiérrez, Luis Felipe; Vargas Muñoz, Leidy Johana
2022Study of the dermal anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic activity of pinostrobinSerna González, Alejandro; Benjumea Gutiérrez, Dora María; Soto Tellini, Víctor Hugo
2022Transcriptomic analysis of the venom gland and enzymatic characterization of the venom of phoneutria depilata (Ctenidae) from ColombiaVásquez Escobar, Julieta; Benjumea Gutiérrez, Dora María; Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Romero Gutiérrez, Teresa; Morales, José Alejandro; Clement, Herlinda C.; Corzo, Gerardo A.
2022Immunorecognition and Neutralization of Crotalus durissus cumanensis Venom by a Commercial Antivenom Produced in ColombiaNúñez Rangel, Vitelbina; Acosta Peña, Augusto; Pereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola
2022Linking toxicity and predation in a venomous arthropod: the case of Tityus fuhrmanni (Scorpiones: Buthidae), a generalist predator scorpionArroyave Muñoz, Alejandra; Estrada Gómez, Sebastián; van der Meijden, Arie; García, Luis Fernando
2022Characterization of a lab-scale process to produce whole IgG antivenom covering scorpion stings by genus tityus and centruroides of ColombiaEstrada Gómez, Sebastián; Núñez Rangel, Vitelbina; Preciado Rojo, Lina María; Vargas Muñoz, Leidy Johana; Madrid Bracamonte, Carlos A.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 713