Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales : [1469] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 1469
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2012Técnicas para la recolección de evidencia entomológica de interés forense para la determinación del intervalo postmortem (IPM)Wolff Echeverri, Marta Isabel; Pujol Luz, José Roberto; Ramos Pastrana, Yardany
2013Habitability in Binary SystemsZuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Cuartas Restrepo, Pablo Andrés; Mason, Paul A.; Clark, Joni M.; Bustamante Jaramillo, Sebastián
2016The developmental and genetic bases of apetaly in Bocconia frutescens (Chelidonieae: Papaveraceae)Alzate Arango, Cristina Alexandra; Ocampo, Juan Fernando; González, Favio; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2017Evolution of the SPATULA/ALCATRAZ gene lineage and expression analyses in the basal eudicot, Bocconia frutescens L. (Papaveraceae)Zumajo Cardona, Cecilia; Ann Ambrose, Bárbara; Pabón Mora, Natalia
2012Study of direct and indirect exciton states in GaAs-Ga1-xAlxAs quantum dots under the effects of intense laser field and applied electric fieldDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Mora Ramos, Miguel Eduardo; Kasapoğlu, Esin; Sari, Huseyin; Sökmen, Ismail
2011Intense laser field effects on the linear and nonlinear intersubband optical properties of a semi-parabolic quantum wellDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Kasapoğlu, Esin; Sari, Huseyin; Sökmen, Ismail
2011Intense laser field effect on impurity states in a semiconductor quantum well: transition from the single to double quantum well potentialDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Mora Ramos, Miguel Eduardo; Kasapoğlu, Esin; Sari, Huseyin; Sökmen, Ismail
2011Hydrostatic pressure, impurity position and electric and magnetic field effects on the binding energy and photo-ionization cross section of a hydrogenic donor impurity in an InAs P¨oschl-Teller quantum ringDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Mora Ramos, Miguel Eduardo; Barseghian, M. G.
2007Energy spectra of exciton states in disk-shaped GaAs-Ga1−xAlxAs quantum dots under growth-direction magnetic fieldsDuque Echeverri, Carlos Alberto; Pacheco, Mónica; Oliveira, Luis Eduardo; Barticevic, Zdenka
2017Atypical colororation in the yellow-striped poisonous frog, Dendrobates truncatus (Cope, 1861), in the Colombian Magdalena river valleyMarín Cardona, David Andrés; Rivera Prieto, Diego A.
2001Anidación y manejo de la tortuga golfina (Lepidochelis olivacea) en la playa La Cuevita, Bahía Solano, Chocó, ColombiaPáez Nieto, Vivian Patricia; Hinestroza Blandón, Lina María
2018Numerical considerations on the modeling of source and boundary conditions for the frequency domain visco-acoustic wave equation solutionAvendaño Pérez, Sheryl Karina; Muñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos
2018Integral Modelling of Propagation of Incident Waves in a Laterally Varying Medium : an Exploration in the Frequency DomainMuñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos; Atehortúa Jiménez, Anyeres Neider; Avendaño Pérez, Sheryl Karina
2009Distribution and Status of Podocnemis lewyana in the Magdalena River Drainage of ColombiaRestrepo Isaza, Adriana; Páez Nieto, Vivian Patricia; Bok Garnier, Brian Carl; López, Catalina
2012Amphibia, Anura, Eleutherodactylidae, Diasporus anthrax (Lynch, 2001) : New records and geographic distributionDuarte Cubides, Alberto Felipe; Cala Rosas, Nayibe
2006Amphibia, Anura, Brachycephalidae, Eleutherodactylus repens: distribution extensionGutiérrez Cárdenas, Paul David Alfonso; Rojas Rivera, María Alejandra
2015A plea to redirect and evaluate the success of South American's Podocnemidid river turtlePáez Nieto, Vivian Patricia; Bok Garnier, Brian Carl; Lipman, Alison; Heppell, Selina S.
2006Reptilia, Squamata, Gekkonidae, Lepidoblepharis williamsi : distribution extensionGutiérrez Cárdenas, Paul David Alfonso; Daza Rojas, Juan Manuel
2017Non-volant mammals from the protected areas associated to hydroelectric projects on the eastern slope of the northern Cordillera Central, ColombiaSánchez Giraldo, Camilo; Daza Rojas, Juan Manuel
2019Molecular and morphological identification of Phylloderma stenops Peters, 1865 (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) and new records for ColombiaPatiño Castillo, Edilson; Martínez Cerón, Juan Manuel; Díaz Nieto, Juan Fernando; Carvalho Madrigal, Sara
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 1469