Maestrías de la Escuela de Idiomas : [70] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 70
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Translating for Translingual Readers : A Proposal for the Translation of the American Financial Network Mortgage Bank WebsitePuerta Ortegón, Laura Vanessa
2023Validating Rural Youth Learners’ Identities in an English Classroom Through Multiliteracies PedagogyAristizábal Cardona, Hernán Santiago
2023Fostering the Development of Intercultural Communicative Competence Through Online Intercultural Exchanges in an EFL Group in AntioquiaGonzáles, Sandra Liliana
2023Analysis of Terminological Metaphor Behavior in Computer Science and Machine TranslationMartínez Moreno, Carlos Alberto
2023Identifying Linguistic Interferences From Spanish in Manuscripts by Non-Native English Speakers as a Translation-Related PhenomenonPalacio Pulgarín, Mario David
2023Critical Media Literacy in an Eleventh Grade EFL Classroom : Analyzing Representations of Class and Race in Media TextsUta Manios, Gerson
2023English as a lingua franca and pre-service English teachers: Challenging beliefs in a course on English phonetics and phonology.Pulgarín Pérez, Anderson Stiven
2023Ancestors that Wander Around: Translation and Comments on Leslie Marmon Silko’s Autobiographical Poems in ‘Storyteller’ by a Colombian TranslatressTorres Pérez, Eliana Zulay
2022Experiences of a Group of English Language Teacher Educators While Exploring Queer PedagogyLondoño Ceballos, Paula Andrea
2023Multimodal Pedagogy Tasks and Projects to Foster Intercultural Communicative Competence in an EFL Intermediate English Skills CourseGil Copete, Fabián Guillermo
2023Transferencia Cultural (TC) de textos políticos (inglés-español) en el siglo XIX : análisis paratextual del trabajo traductológico del colombiano Florentino GonzálezGaleano Ramírez, Elisa María
2023Improving Students’ Synchronous Online Interactions by Enhancing Their Social Presence in a Blended Learning Course of English for Engineers : a Case StudyCelis Rojas, José Alejandro
2023Contextual Factors that Contribute to the Language Attrition, Retention and/or Improvement of Six In-service English Teachers in the Eastern Region of AntioquiaCarvajal Gallo, Andrés Felipe
2022English Language Educators’ Engagement in Critically Oriented Research in ColombiaMéndez Ríos, Camilo Andrés
2023La mujer negra alza la voz: la traducción de A Voice From The South (1892) de Anna Julia CooperGiraldo Rojas, María Antonia
2016Identification and Characterization of Nested Abbreviations in Scientific Discourse for Translation PurposesRivas Duque, Natalia
2022Young Learners' Participation in the Negotiation and Construction of Assesment Criteria and their Metacognitive Knowledge Development in an EFL ClassMedina Díaz, Laura Andrea
2022Exploring the Role of Students' Language User Identities in their L2 Use and InvestmentAcosta Echavarría, Paola
2022Infusing ICT practices in teacher education programsGiraldo Sánchez, Daniela
2022Using Audio and Video to Disrupt the Concept of Native Speakerism in a Colombian High School: the Effects on Listening Comprehension in Online EnvironmentsTalero Sepúlveda, Fabio Hernán
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 70