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dc.contributor.advisorVargas Quiceno, Claudia-
dc.contributor.authorVargas Rueda, Henry Alonso-
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN : La educación como institución socializadora por excelencia, ha ejercido el papel en la sociedad de formar en y para la ciudadanía; en este contexto, la escuela es el lugar donde los jóvenes viven sus primeras experiencias como seres políticos, en donde se forma para ser parte de una comunidad. El análisis que se presenta parte de las consideraciones sobre la importancia de la formación ciudadana en contextos escolares; desde esta perspectiva, la pregunta que acompaña el desarrollo del artículo tiene que ver con cuáles son los fundamentos teóricos sobre formación ciudadana y los lineamientos educativos que se han establecido desde el Estado colombiano y el gobierno local de la ciudad de Medellín para su implementación en contextos escolares. Para esto, el artículo presenta un aproximación teórica y epistemológica sobre el concepto de formación ciudadana y su relación con contextos escolares; así mismo, se caracterizan los lineamientos educativos del Estado colombiano y del gobierno local de Medellín sobre formación ciudadana entre los años 2012 y 2019; y finalmente, se realiza un análisis de la propuesta teórica-pedagógica de la Institución Educativa Presbítero Camilo Torres Restrepo de la ciudad de Medellín sobre formación ciudadana en el año 2019 y su incidencia en la cultura política de los jóvenes. Para este fin, metodológicamente se apela a la investigación cualitativa fundamentada en la revisión documental y en el desarrollo de otras técnicas como las entrevistas semiestructuradas y los grupos focales.spa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: Education as a socializing institution par excellence, has played the role in society of training in and for citizenship; in this context, school is the place where young people live their first experiences as political beings, where they are trained to be part of a community. The analysis presented here starts from the considerations on the importance of citizenship training in school contexts; from this perspective, the question that accompanies the development of the article has to do with what are the theoretical foundations on citizenship training and the educational guidelines that have been established by the Colombian State and the local government of the city of Medellin for its implementation in school contexts. For this, the article presents a theoretical and epistemological approach on the concept of citizenship training and its relationship with school contexts; likewise, the educational guidelines of the Colombian State and the local government of Medellin on citizenship training between 2012 and 2019 are characterized; and finally, an analysis of the theoretical-pedagogical proposal of the Educational Institution Presbítero Camilo Torres Restrepo of the city of Medellin on citizenship training in the year 2019 and its impact on the political culture of young people is carried out. For this purpose, methodologically, we appeal to qualitative research based on documentary review and the development of other techniques such as semi-structured interviews and focus groups.-
dc.format.extent41 páginasspa
dc.titleLa formación ciudadana en contextos escolares : una reflexión desde la Ciencia Políticaspa
dc.title.alternativeLa formación ciudadana en contextos escolaresspa
dc.description.noteABSTRACT: Education as a socializing institution par excellence, has played the role in society of training in and for citizenship; in this context, school is the place where young people live their first experiences as political beings, where they are trained to be part of a community. The analysis presented here starts from the considerations on the importance of citizenship training in school contexts; from this perspective, the question that accompanies the development of the article has to do with what are the theoretical foundations on citizenship training and the educational guidelines that have been established by the Colombian State and the local government of the city of Medellin for its implementation in school contexts. For this, the article presents a theoretical and epistemological approach on the concept of citizenship training and its relationship with school contexts; likewise, the educational guidelines of the Colombian State and the local government of Medellin on citizenship training between 2012 and 2019 are characterized; and finally, an analysis of the theoretical-pedagogical proposal of the Educational Institution Presbítero Camilo Torres Restrepo of the city of Medellin on citizenship training in the year 2019 and its impact on the political culture of young people is carried out. For this purpose, methodologically, we appeal to qualitative research based on documentary review and the development of other techniques such as semi-structured interviews and focus groups.spa
thesis.degree.disciplineFacultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas. Ciencia Políticaspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín - Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregradospa
dc.subject.unescoCiencia política-
dc.subject.proposalFormación ciudadanaspa
dc.subject.proposalCultura políticaspa
dc.subject.proposalContextos escolaresspa
dc.subject.proposalLineamientos de educaciónspa
Aparece en las colecciones: Ciencia Política

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