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Título : Impacto de la educación superior en la ocupación de las mujeres egresadas de la seccional de El Carmen de Viboral de la Universidad de Antioquia
Autor : Posso Serna, Ingrid Yuranie
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Brand Monsalve, Edinson Gabriel
metadata.dc.subject.*: Educación superior
Mercado laboral
Universidad de Antioquia
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : RESUMEN: El presente escrito presenta los resultados de un estudio que analizó el impacto del ingreso a la educación superior en la vida laboral de las mujeres que estudiaron en la seccional de El Carmen de Viboral de la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). Para tal fin, se llevó a cabo una metodología integrada de datos (cuantitativo-cualitativo), a partir de la ejecución de técnicas como la encuestas y la entrevistas semiestructurada, la cual permitió obtener información acerca de la experiencia de las mujeres antes, durante y después de su paso por la educación universitaria. Las principales conclusiones dieron a conocer que la formación en la universidad significó transformaciones importantes en la vida de las egresadas, dado que, debido a sus motivaciones y a sus esfuerzos han logrado vivir trayectorias diferentes a las de las mujeres de sus círculos cercanos en términos educativos y laborales; y, al ejercer como profesionales, han hallado complacencia con el hecho de saber que sus quehaceres los realizan con gusto y que aportan no solo al cumplimiento de sus metas o proyectos personales; sino al acompañamiento, el progreso y el beneficio de sus familias.
ABSTRACT: This paper is the results of a study that analyzed the impact of entering women to higher education in the branch of the University of Antioquia (Colombia) especially in the Carmen de Viboral meanwhile they have a current working life. For this purpose, an integrated data methodology (quantitative-qualitative) was carried out, based on the execution of techniques such as surveys and semi-structured interviews, which allowed obtaining information about women’s experiences before, during, and after their passage through university education. The main conclusions revealed that training at the university meant important transformations in the lives of the graduates, given that, due to their motivations and their efforts, they have managed to live different trajectories from those of the women in their close circles in terms of education and labor; and, by practicing as professionals, they have found satisfaction in knowing that their chores are carried out with pleasure and that they contribute not only to the fulfillment of their goals or personal projects; but to the accompaniment, the progress and the benefit of their families.ABSTRACT: This paper is the results of a study that analyzed the impact of entering women to higher education in the branch of the University of Antioquia (Colombia) especially in the Carmen de Viboral meanwhile they have a current working life. For this purpose, an integrated data methodology (quantitative-qualitative) was carried out, based on the execution of techniques such as surveys and semi-structured interviews, which allowed obtaining information about women’s experiences before, during, and after their passage through university education. The main conclusions revealed that training at the university meant important transformations in the lives of the graduates, given that, due to their motivations and their efforts, they have managed to live different trajectories from those of the women in their close circles in terms of education and labor; and, by practicing as professionals, they have found satisfaction in knowing that their chores are carried out with pleasure and that they contribute not only to the fulfillment of their goals or personal projects; but to the accompaniment, the progress and the benefit of their families.
Aparece en las colecciones: Sociología

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