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Título : Aproximación a un estado del arte de las tecnologías utilizadas en el tratamiento de aguas residuales del beneficio del café en Colombia y su impacto ambiental
Autor : Quintero Muñoz, Diana Marcela
Cuartas Mora, Sergio Alonso
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Saldarriaga Molina, Julio César
metadata.dc.subject.*: Aguas residuales
Industria del café
Coffee industry
Residuos del café
Coffee waste
Impacto ambiental
Environmental impact
Tecnologías de lavado
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Resumen : RESUMEN : Colombia es el mayor productor mundial de café arábigo suave lavado, en el que para el año 2021, se registró una producción de 12,6 millones de sacos de 60 kilos de café (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2022) aportando cerca del 1% del PIB nacional (Bloomberg Línea, 2021), por lo anterior, se convierte en un cultivo de gran importancia para los productores agropecuarios de nuestro país. Las exigencias actuales del mercado, incluyen la producción bajo modelos sostenibles que aseguren el cuidado del medio ambiente, por lo anterior, es importante analizar las tecnologías disponibles para optimizar el consumo de agua durante el proceso de lavado y realizar el tratamiento a las aguas residuales resultantes. En este trabajo se analizaron los contenidos y los alcances que tienen los documentos o la información secundaria y demás libros específicos, así como sus similitudes y diferencias de acuerdo a las tecnologías que se han desarrollado y usado para el tratamiento de aguas residuales del beneficio de café. La búsqueda de información se llevó a cabo en las bases de datos de publicaciones científicas disponibles como SciELO, REDALYC, SCIENCE DIRECT además de consultar los trabajos y publicaciones desarrollados por CENICAFÉ. Se encontraron un total de 513 publicaciones a nivel mundial y se destacaron la participación de países como Asia con el 40% de las investigaciones, seguido con América con el 37%, Europa con el 17% y África con el 6%, Oceanía no contó con investigaciones dentro de la ventana de estudio u observación. ABSTRACT: Colombia is the world's largest producer of Arabica coffee, in 2021, a production of 12.6 million 60-kilo bags of coffee was increased (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2022) contributing about 1% of the National GDP (Bloomberg Línea, 2021), therefore, becomes a crop of great importance for agricultural producers in our country. The current demands of the market include production under sustainable models that ensure care for the environment, therefore, it is important to analyze the available technologies to optimize water consumption during the washing process and treat the remaining wastewater. In this work, the contents and scope of the documents or secondary information and other specific books were analyzed, as well as their similarities and differences according to the technologies that have been developed and used for the treatment of wastewater from the coffee. The search for information was carried out in the databases of available scientific publications such as SciELO, REDALYC, SCIENCE DIRECT, in addition to consulting the works and publications developed by CENICAFÉ. A total of 513 publications worldwide were found and the participation of countries such as Asia stood out with 40% of the investigations, followed by America with 37%, Europe with 17% and Africa with 6%, Oceania did not count with investigations within the study or observation window.
ABSTRACT : Colombia is the world's largest producer of Arabica coffee, in 2021, a production of 12.6 million 60-kilo bags of coffee was increased (Federación Nacional de Cafeteros, 2022) contributing about 1% of the National GDP (Bloomberg Línea, 2021), therefore, becomes a crop of great importance for agricultural producers in our country. The current demands of the market include production under sustainable models that ensure care for the environment, therefore, it is important to analyze the available technologies to optimize water consumption during the washing process and treat the remaining wastewater. In this work, the contents and scope of the documents or secondary information and other specific books were analyzed, as well as their similarities and differences according to the technologies that have been developed and used for the treatment of wastewater from the coffee. The search for information was carried out in the databases of available scientific publications such as SciELO, REDALYC, SCIENCE DIRECT, in addition to consulting the works and publications developed by CENICAFÉ. A total of 513 publications worldwide were found and the participation of countries such as Asia stood out with 40% of the investigations, followed by America with 37%, Europe with 17% and Africa with 6%, Oceania did not count with investigations within the study or observation window.
Aparece en las colecciones: Especializaciones de la Facultad de Ingeniería

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