Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/10495/36946
Título : Opportunities and Challenges that the use of Universal Design for Learning brings to the enhancement of fourth graders’ speaking skill at a public institution in Rionegro - Antioquia
Otros títulos : Oportunidades y retos que el uso del Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje aporta a la mejora de la competencia oral en estudiantes de cuarto grado.
Autor : Quiroz Tabares, Ángela María
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Arias Patiño, Natalia
Herrera Carvajal, Carolina
metadata.dc.subject.*: Action research
English language - Study and teaching
English language--Spoken English
Investigación acción
Inglés - Sintaxis
English language - syntax
Competencia comunicativa
Communicative competence
Inglés - Enseñanza
English Language - Vocabulary - Study and Teaching
Inglés - Vocabulario - Enseñanza
Inglés - Aprendizaje
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Resumen : ABSTRACT : This action-research aimed to analyze challenges and opportunities that the use of Universal Design for Learning can bring to the enhancement of fourth graders’ speaking skill. It was conducted in a public school in Rionegro, Antioquia with 20 fourth graders. Action strategies included presenting students’ multiple means of representation of the content, engagement and action and expression by means of stations. Data gathering instruments included teacher’s journal, surveys, interviews, and students’ artifacts. Findings referred to opportunities related to Vocabulary and Syntax growth through Multiple Means of Engagement and the Creation of Cooperating Work through Action and Expression. Moreover, findings showed challenges related to Students’ not Progressing in Speaking Skill and the Students’ Ages as an Obstacle for Knowing what to Choose when Options were given.
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente

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