Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/10495/36948
Título : Analyzing the Evolution of Teacher-Student Interactions: A BAK-to-BAK Pre-service Teacher Autoethnography
Otros títulos : Análisis de la evolución en la interacción profesor a estudiantes: una narrativa autoetnográfica del BAK y BAK de un profesor practicante
Autor : Plaza Olano, José David
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Londoño Arroyave, Cristian David
metadata.dc.subject.*: Action research
English language - Study and teaching
English teachers
Investigación acción
Inglés - Enseñanza
Ambiente educativo
School environment
Classroom environment
Educational interaction
Interacción Educativa
Profesores de inglés
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Resumen : ABSTRACT : This action research aimed to an autoethnography narrative based on understanding and reflection on the changes of my pre-service teacher beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge (BAK) system and interaction experiences with two different 10th grades during a 1-year practicum stage. This project was conducted in a rural school in Rionegro, Antioquia with the second group of around 30 tenth graders from February until June 2023. This qualitative autoethnography action plan involves narrating the beliefs, attitudes and knowledge concerns my development in my teaching practices as a pre-service teacher, which involves describing my own cycle of preparation, during taking classroom, and after class reflection to appreciate my own professional development and appreciation of the students and cooperating teacher in the classroom. Data gathering instruments included were a pre-service teacher diary, students’ interviews, and the cooperating teacher (CT) evaluation to my teaching practicum stage. Findings involved in this action research ethnography made reference to the beliefs, knowledge and assumptions system and my development in particular aspects: my teaching planning growth, my interactional transformations with the class, and my teaching practices beliefs as preservice teacher.
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente

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