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Título : CFD modeling of fluid-structure interaction for oscillating flexible risers
Autor : Riveros Jerez, Carlos Alberto
Utsunomiya, Tomoaki
Maeda, Katsuya
Itoh, Kazuaki
metadata.dc.subject.*: Dinámica de fluidos
Fluid dynamics
Dinámica de estructuras
Structural dynamics
Fecha de publicación : 2007
Editorial : Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Citación : Carlos RIVEROS, Tomoaki UTSUNOMIYA, Katsuya MAEDA, Kazuaki ITOH, CFD Modeling of Fluid-Structure Interaction for Oscillating Flexible Risers, Journal of applied mechanics, 2007, Volume 10, Pages 1099-1108, Released on J-STAGE June 04, 2010, Online ISSN 1884-832X, Print ISSN 1345-9139, https://doi.org/10.2208/journalam.10.1099, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/journalam1998/10/0/10_0_1099/_article/-char/en
Resumen : ABSTRACT: The dynamic response of an oscillating flexible riser involves a coupled phenomenon in which the nature and magnitude of the fluid forces acting on the riser highly depend on the structural riser's response. Therefore, the development of a response prediction model for oscillating flexible risers must consider the numerical modeling of fluid-structure interaction. In this paper a response prediction model for oscillating flexible risers using CFD-derived force coefficients is presented. A 20-meter riser model, sinusoidally excited at its top end using six different values of tension forces, is employed for its experimental validation. The computed maximum amplitudes in both in-line and cross-flow directions show good agreement with the experimental data considering the range of error commonly accepted for such implementations.
metadata.dc.identifier.eissn: 1884-832X
ISSN : 1345-9139
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.2208/journalam.10.1099
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revista en Ingeniería

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