Por favor, use este identificador para citar o enlazar este ítem: https://hdl.handle.net/10495/43166
Título : Aportes del aprendizaje basado en problemas al logro de aprendizajes significativos: un pregrado de medicina
Otros títulos : Contributions of problem-based learning to the achievement of significant learning: a bachelor of medicine
Autor : Torres Páez, Fidel Fabián
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Londoño Rueda, Jaime Alfonso
metadata.dc.subject.*: Método de aprendizaje
Teaching methods
Método de enseñanza
Teaching methods
Estrategias educativas
Educational strategies
Aprendizaje basado en problemas
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Resumen : RESUMEN: Objetivo: estudio que busca comprender los aportes de la estrategia didáctica Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) al logro del aprendizaje significativo que pretende el programa de medicina de la Universidad de Pamplona en los estudiantes. Metodología: se opta por un diseño de investigación cualitativo que sigue el proceso hermenéutico para comprender e interpretar las experiencias de las audiencias en torno al uso del ABP. Con el fin de conocer la orientación didáctica del programa se hizo análisis documental al Proyecto Educativo del Programa (PEP). Se hicieron entrevistas semiestructuradas a miembros del Comité de Currículo; se encuestaron profesores con preguntas mediante un formulario, y se realizaron grupos focales con estudiantes y observaciones de clase. Posterior a la firma del consentimiento informado, los datos recolectados se analizaron, compararon e interpretaron a la luz de los referentes bibliográficos y el PEP. Resultados: tras el análisis de los datos se destacan tres categorías: fundamentos curriculares y didácticos del proyecto educativo del programa que orientan el ABP como estrategia didáctica; uso del ABP en el programa de medicina de la Universidad de Pamplona, y aporte del ABP al logro de aprendizajes significativos en el Programa. Conclusiones: se evidencia que hay diferencia entre la orientación del PEP y la propuesta formativa que los profesores llevan al aula, especialmente en lo relacionado con el uso de estrategias didácticas, predominando las tradicionales como la clase magistral. Se identifica un menor uso de estrategias activas, como el ABP y el caso clínico, que en ocasiones se confunden debido a su carácter problematizador. El ABP es usado principalmente por profesores que cuentan con formación especializada en pedagogía, pero aún falta mayor estructuración del procedimiento. La motivación se configura como el principal aporte del ABP al logro de aprendizajes significativos. ABSTRACT: Objective: this study seeks to understand the contributions of the didactic strategy Problem Based Learning (PBL) to the achievement of significant learning intended by the medical program of the University of Pamplona in students. Methodology: a qualitative research design is chosen that follows the hermeneutic process to understand and interpret the experiences of the audiences regarding the use of PBL. In order to learn about the didactic orientation of the program, a documentary analysis of the Program Educational Project (PEP) was carried out. Then, semi-structured interviews were carried out with members of the curriculum committee, teachers were surveyed with questions using a form, focus groups were conducted with students and class observations. Subsequently, the information collected was analyzed, compared and interpreted in relation to the bibliographic references and the PEP. Results: after the analysis of the data, three categories stand out: curricular and didactic foundations of the educational project of the program that guide PBL as a didactic strategy; use of PBL in the medical program of the University of Pamplona and contribution of PBL to the achievement of significant learning in the program. Conclusions: it is evident that there is a difference between the orientation of the PEP and the training proposal that teachers take to the classroom, especially in relation to the use of didactic strategies, with a predominance of traditional ones such as the master class. A lower use of active strategies is identified, such as PBL and the clinical case, which are sometimes confused due to their problematizing nature. PBL is mainly used by teachers with specialized training in pedagogy, but the procedure still lacks greater structuring. Motivation is configured as the main contribution of PBL to the achievement of meaningful learning.
ABSTRACT: Objective: this study seeks to understand the contributions of the didactic strategy Problem Based Learning (PBL) to the achievement of significant learning intended by the medical program of the University of Pamplona in students. Methodology: a qualitative research design is chosen that follows the hermeneutic process to understand and interpret the experiences of the audiences regarding the use of PBL. In order to learn about the didactic orientation of the program, a documentary analysis of the Program Educational Project (PEP) was carried out. Then, semistructured interviews were carried out with members of the curriculum committee, teachers were surveyed with questions using a form, focus groups were conducted with students and class observations. Subsequently, the information collected was analyzed, compared and interpreted in relation to the bibliographic references and the PEP. Results: after the analysis of the data, three categories stand out: curricular and didactic foundations of the educational project of the program that guide PBL as a didactic strategy; use of PBL in the medical program of the University of Pamplona and contribution of PBL to the achievement of significant learning in the program. Conclusions: it is evident that there is a difference between the orientation of the PEP and the training proposal that teachers take to the classroom, especially in relation to the use of didactic strategies, with a predominance of traditional ones such as the master class. A lower use of active strategies is identified, such as PBL and the clinical case, which are sometimes confused due to their problematizing nature. PBL is mainly used by teachers with specialized training in pedagogy, but the procedure still lacks greater structuring. Motivation is configured as the main contribution of PBL to the achievement of meaningful learning.
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrías de la Facultad de Medicina

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