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Título : Theory of Auger core-valence-valence processes in simple metals. II. Dynamical and surface effects on Auger line shapes
Autor : Almbladh, Carl Olof
Morales Aramburo, Álvaro Luis
metadata.dc.subject.*: Teoría de procesos
Metales simples
Efectos dinámicos
Formas de línea Auger
Fecha de publicación : 1989
Editorial : American Physical Society
Citación : Almbladh, C. O., & Morales Aramburo, A. L. (1989). Theory of Auger core-valence-valence processes in simple metals. II. Dynamical and surface effects on Auger line shapes. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 39(6), 3503-3516.
Resumen : ABSTRACT: Auger CVV spectra of simple metals are generally believed to be well described by one-electronlike theories in the bulk which account for matrix elements and, in some cases, also static core-hole screening effects. We present here detailed calculations on Li, Be, Na, Mg, and Al using selfconsistent bulk wave functions and proper matrix elements. The resulting spectra differ markedly from experiment and peak at too low energies. To explain this discrepancy we investigate effects of the surface and dynamical effects of the sudden disappearance of the core hole in the final state. To study core-hole effects we solve Mahan —Nozieres —De Dominicis (MND) model numerically over the entire band. The core-hole potential and other parameters in the MND model are determined by self-consistent calculations of the core-hole impurity. The results are compared with simpler approximations based on the final-state rule due to von Barth and Grossmann. To study surface and mean-free-path effects we perform slab calculations for Al but use a simpler infinite-barrier model in the remaining cases. The model reproduces the slab spectra for Al with very good accuracy. .In all cases investigated either the effects of the surface or the effects of the core hole give important modifications and a much improved agreement with experiment.
metadata.dc.identifier.eissn: 2469-9969
ISSN : 0163-1829
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

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