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Título : Exploring Critical Literacy Activities to Promote Students' Adoption of Critical Stances Toward Texts in an EFL Class
Autor : Giraldo Narváez, Luz Elena
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Arias Patiño, Natalia
Calderón Vargas, Diana Milena
metadata.dc.subject.*: Enseñanza de una segunda lengua
Second language instruction
Lengua extranjera
Foreign languages
Práctica pedagógica
Teaching practice
Formación de docentes
Teacher education
Critical thinking
Teaching methods
Método de enseñanza
Pensamiento crítico
Action research
Investigación acción
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Resumen : ABSTRACT: This paper reports a teaching and action research experience focused on promoting students’ adoption of critical stances toward texts through the implementation of a cycle of Critical Literacy activities. The project was developed with a group of 39 9th grade students in an EFL class at a public institution in the east of Antioquia, Colombia. As results suggest, most students adopted critical stances toward texts throughout the development of actions, which consisted in the analysis of texts about issues of power, the creation of alternative texts, and the planning of actions in favor of equity. In consequence, most students consciously engaged toward texts, entertained alternate ways of being, took responsibility to inquire, and showed reflection about different patterns of oppression.
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras - Campus Oriente

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