Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 44
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2022 | Caracterización del ciclo de brisas diurnas en una región costera tropical a partir del modelo atmosférico WRF: caso Urabá antioqueño | Toro Valencia, Vladimir Giovanni; Rincón Vargas, Eisinhower; Arroyo Quinto, Leidys Milena; Posada Marín, José Andrés; Molina Santamaría, Rubén Darío; Salazar, Juan Fernando |
2023 | Are urban mangroves emerging hotspots of non-indigenous species? A study on the dynamics of macrobenthic fouling communities in fringing red mangrove prop roots | Riascos Vallejos, José Marin; Mosquera, Enis; Blanco Libreros, Juan Felipe |
2023 | Evaluation of air quality and health perception in the urban area of La Ceja (Antioquia, Colombia) through a community participation strategy | Toro Valencia, Vladimir Giovanni; Martínez Herrera, Eliana; Echeverri García, Sandra María |
2023 | A bioengineer in the city - the Darwinian fitness of fiddler crabs inhabiting plastic pollution hotspots | Riascos Vallejos, José Marin; Gómez Restrepo, Nicolás Alberto |
2024 | Is the threatened land crab Cardisoma guanhumi conquering human-dominated systems? | Riascos Vallejos, José Marin; Obonaga Gómez, Levy Donovan; Ramos Murillo, Jhostin Esteban |
2016 | Unmixing Progradational Sediments in a Southwestern Caribbean Gulf through Late Holocene : Backwash of Low-Level Atmospheric Jets | Rúa Cardona, Alex Fernando; Molina Santamaría, Rubén; Liebezeit, Gerd; Palacio Baena, Jaime Alberto |
2014 | Spatial distribution and abundance of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius, 1798), in the Gulf of Urabá (Caribbean), Colombia, South America | Sandoval Londoño, Luis Alejandro; Leal Flórez, Jenny; Taborda Marín, Alexander; Vásquez, Jairo Guillermo |
2008 | Role of the NON-NATIVE fish Oreochromis niloticus in the long-term variations of abundance and species composition of the native ichthyofauna in a Caribbean estuary | Leal Flórez, Jenny; Rueda Hernández, Mario Enrique; Wolf, Matthias |
2016 | Grain size, morphometry and mineralogy of airborne input in the Canary basin : evidence of iron particle retention in the mixed layer | Jaramillo Vélez, Alfredo; Menéndez, Inmaculada; Alonso, Ignacio; Mangas, José; Hernández León, Santiago |
2018 | Ecological quality index using periphytic algae in San Juan river (Antioquia-Colombia) | Hernández Atilano, Esnedy; Sepúlveda Salazar, Robinson; Grajales Vargas, Heazel Janinne; Aguirre Ramírez, Néstor Jaime; Vélez Macías, Fabio de Jesús; Caicedo Quintero, Orlando; Mesa Valles, Jenny Alejandra; Cortés Duarte, Fernando Alonso; Montoya Moreno, Yimmy |
2011 | Discovery of a new genus of tanaidacean (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Mirandotanaidae) found associated with a deep-sea terebellid polychaete | Londoño Mesa, Mario Hernán; Suárez Morales, Eduardo; Heard, Richard W. |
2016 | Efecto del cambio climático en las zonas costeras colombianas | Quiceno Cuartas, Paula Andrea |
2017 | Tomando decisiones con geografía | González González, Andrés Fernando; Montealegre Martínez, Manuel Alejandro |
2016 | Pacas biodigestoras : de los residuos al abono orgánico | Ossa Carrasquilla, Laura Catalina |
2017 | Experiencia didáctica con las pacas biodigestoras en entornos educativos del estado de México | Rivera Espinosa, Ramón; Ossa Carrasquilla, Laura Catalina |
2016 | Evaluación biológica y fisicoquímica de un mortero como sustrato para la fabricación de arrecifes artificiales | Correa Herrera, Tatiana; Correa Rendón, Juan Diego; Bedoya Gutiérrez, Monica Andrea; Tobón, Jorge Iván |
2015 | Production regime and associated N cycling in the vicinity of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean | Flórez Leiva, Lennis Rafael; Cavagna, Anne Julie; Fripiat, François; Elskens, Marc; Mangion, Perrine; Queguiner, Bernard |
2016 | The role of maternal nutrition on oocyte Size and quality, with respect to early larval development in the coral-eating Starfish, Acanthaster planci | Rivera Posada, Jairo Alonso; Frank Caballes, Ciemon; Pratchett, Morgan; Kerr, Alexander |
2017 | Environmental tipping points for sperm motility, fertilization, and embryonic development in the crown-of-thorns starfish | Rivera Posada, Jairo Alonso; Caballes, Ciemon Frank; Pratchett, Morgan; Raymundo, Maia |
2015 | Variación temporal de larvas de moluscos bivalvos a dos profundidades en Bahía Marirrio, Golfo de Urabá | Zapata Martínez, Jairo León; Aristizabal Buitrago, Valeria; Leal Flórez, Jenny; Urán Carmona, Paula Andrea; Vásquez Arango, Jairo Guillermo |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 44