Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 651
Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2018 | Tuberculosis: una ventana de análisis de las políticas públicas en salud | Arbeláez Montoya, María Patricia |
2006 | Politiche pubbliche di promozione della salute mentale tra condizioni locali e proposte delle agenzie internazionali: il caso di Medellín | Gaviria Méndez, Alba Emilce |
2007 | Spatial Epidemic Patterns Recognition Using Computer Algebra | Hincapié Palacio, Doracelly; Ospina Giraldo, Juan Fernando |
2015 | Prevalence, Risk Behaviours, and HIV Knowledge in an Indigenous Community in Colombia | Rojas Arbeláez, Carlos Alberto; Gómez Valencia, Natalia; Congote Espinosa, Jhojandrelli; Yagarí González, Gladis; Castro, Diana; Lozano, Mauricio; Paris, Sara; Soto Velásquez, Mónica Lucía; Mignone, Javier |
2021 | Attentional bias during emotional processing: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence from an Emotional Flanker Task | Trujillo Orrego, Natalia; Gómez Londoño, Diana; Trujillo Orrego, Sandra Patricia; Ibañez Barassi, Agustín; López Hincapié, José David; Parra Rodríguez, Mario Alfredo |
2017 | Brain information sharing during visual short-term memory binding yields a memory biomarker for familial Alzheimer’s disease | Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Parra Rodríguez, Mario Alfredo; Trujillo Orrego, Natalia; Ibañez Barassi, Agustín; Mikulan, Ezequiel; Della Sala, Sergio; Manes, Facundo; Starr, John |
2015 | Patterns of individual coping, engagement with social supports and use of formal services among a five-country sample of resilient youth | Restrepo Henao, Alexandra; Ungar, Michael; Theron, Linda; Liebenberg, Linda; Tian, Guo-Xiu; Sanders, Jackie; Munford, Robyn; Rusell, S. |
2015 | Melioidosis in Antioquia, Colombia: an emerging or endemic disease? A cases series | Ochoa Acosta, Jesús Ernesto; Montufar Andrade, Franco Eduardo; Ortega, Héctor José; Montufar Pantoja, María Camila; Franco, L.; Monsalve, A.; Jaramillo, C.; Zapata, M. |
2010 | Fear, infection and compassion: social representations of tuberculosis in Medellin, Colombia, 2007 | Ascuntar Tello, Johana Mercedes; Gaviria Londoño, Marta Beatriz; Uribe Alzate, Leonardo de Jesús; Ochoa Acosta, Jesús Ernesto |
2016 | Motivación de educadores para gestionar proyectos de prevención de la violencia y el consumo de drogas en colegios de Medellín | Moreno Mattar, Ornella; Jaramillo, Ana Cristina; Posada Zapata, Isabel Cristina |
2018 | Dehumanization during Delivery: Meanings and Experiences of Women Cared for in the Medellín Public Network | Mejía Merino, Cristina María; Faneyra Zapata, Lida; Molina Berrío, Diana Patricia; Arango Urrea, Juan David |
2006 | Mackendrick: A Maple Package Oriented to Symbolic Computational Epidemiology | Hincapié Palacio, Doracelly; Ospina Giraldo, Juan Fernando |
2008 | Epidemic Thresholds in SIR and SIIR Models Applying an Algorithmic Method | Hincapié Palacio, Doracelly; Gómez Arias, Rubén Darío; Ospina Giraldo, Juan Fernando; Afuwape Afuwape, Anthony |
2003 | Importancia de los estudios históricos en salud pública | Cardona Saldarriaga, Álvaro |
2014 | Una experiencia de aula en la clase de Gestión Ambiental en el ITM | Quijano Pérez, Silvia Andrea; Soto Zuluaga, Adriana María; Gil Garzón, Miriam Janet |
2014 | La cultura ambiental en el ITM | Quijano Pérez, Silvia Andrea; Soto Zuluaga, Adriana María |
2014 | Status for hepatitis B virus infection and socioeconomic variables: a multiple correspondence analysis | Hincapié Palacio, Doracelly; Díaz Castrillón, Francisco Javier; Cadavid Betancur, David; Lenis Ballesteros, Viviana; Buitrago Giraldo, Seti; Ospina Ospina, Marta Cecilia; Bernal Restrepo, Luz Marina; Santacruz Santamaria, Eduardo; Pérez Toro, Olga |
2015 | Syntax, action verbs, and nouns in Parkinson s disease: dissociability, progression and executive influences | Bocanegra García, Orfa Yamile; Trujillo Orrego, Natalia; Slachevsky, Andrea; García, Adolfo M.; Ibanez Barassi, Agustín |
2012 | Preventive and Curative Care Utilization Among Mexican Immigrant Women in Birmingham, AL | Garcés Palacio, Isabel Cristina; Hidalgo, Bertha; Scarinci, Isabel |
2016 | Sowing the Seeds of Health: Training of Community Health Advisors to Promote Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening among Latina Immigrants in Alabama | Garcés Palacio, Isabel Cristina; Scarinci, Isabel; Morales Alemán, Mercedes; McGuire, Allison |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 651
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