Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales : [1470] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 1470
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2025It's all about scale: The landscape effect on avian haemosporidiansTamayo Quintero, Juliana; González Quevedo, Catalina; Rivera Gutiérrez, Héctor Fabio; San José, Miriam; Martínez de la Puente, Josué
2015Vertex-degree-based topological indices over starlike treesCruz Rodes, Roberto; Betancur, Clara Inés; Rada Rincón, Juan Pablo
2009Effect of MgO addition on the basicity of Ni/ZrO2 and on its catalytic activity in carbon dioxide reforming of methaneGarcía Rojas, Verónica; Fernández Hincapié, Jhon Jairo; Ruíz Machado, Wilson Alonso; Mondragón Pérez, Fanor; Moreno Lopera, Jorge Andrés
2010Monitoring bacterial faecal contamination in waters using multiplex real-time PCR assay for Bacteroides spp. and faecal enterococciAgudelo Cadavid, Ruth Marina; Peñuela Mesa, Gustavo Antonio; Adrados Ruiz, Bárbara; Fittipaldy Gustavino, Mariana; Conody Iglesias, Francesc; Morató Farreras, Jordi
1996Idiopathic epilepsy with generalized tonic clonic seizures in Antioquia, Colombia: Is the joint Amerindian and Negroid racial admixture the cause of its high prevalence?Jiménez Ramírez, Iván; Arcos Burgos, Óscar Mauricio; Blanco, Rafael; Valenzuela, Carlos Y.; Sánchez, J.L.; Uribe, C.S.; Jiménez, M.E.; Zuluaga, L.; Mora, O.; López, G.; Isaza, R.
1982Sobre espacios LF metrizablesPérez Carreras, Pedro; Valdivia, Manuel
2011High-stable mesoporous Ni-Ce/Clay catalysts for syngas productionMondragón Pérez, Fanor; Gamba Vásquez, Oscar Alberto; Hernández Enciso, Willinton Yesid; Centeno Gallego, Miguel Ángel; Daza, Carlos Enrique; Moreno Guaqueta, Sonia; Molina Gallego, Rafael Alberto
2005The Higher-Order Matching Polynomial of a GraphEstrada Valdés, Mario; Rada Rincón, Juan Pablo; Morales, Daniel A.; Araujo García, Oswaldo Rafael
2015Effects of discontinuities of the derivatives of the inflaton potentialGallego Cadavid, Alexander; Romano, Antonio Enea
2016Effects of local features of the inflaton potential on the spectrum and bispectrum of primordial perturbationsGallego Cadavid, Alexander; Romano, Antonio Enea; Gariazzo, Stefano
2017CMB anomalies and the effects of local features of the inflaton potentialGallego Cadavid, Alexander; Romano, Antonio Enea; Gariazzo, Stefano
2018Degeneracy in the spectrum and bispectrum among featured inflaton potentialsGallego Cadavid, Alexander; Romano, Antonio Enea; Sasaki, Misao
2006Construcción de conjuntos Bh módulo m y particionesGarcía Pulgarín, Gilberto; Trujillo Solarte, Carlos Alberto; Velásquez Soto, Juan Miguel
2008Un algoritmo para resolver el problema de Frobenius utilizando bases de GröbnerGarcía Pulgarín, Gilberto; Castillo Gómez, John Hermes
2012Structure of associated sets to Midy’s propertyGarcía Pulgarín, Gilberto; Castillo Gómez, Jhon Hermes; Velásquez Soto, Juan Miguel
2014Categorification of some integer sequences and higher dimensional partitionsGiraldo Salazar, Hernán Alonso; Moreno Cañadas, Agustín; Cifuentes Vargas, Verónica
2016Differential Galois Groups and Representation of Quivers for Seismic Models with Constant Hessian of Square of SlownessGiraldo Salazar, Hernán Alonso; Piedrahíta Escobar, Carlos Cesar; Acosta Humánez, Primitivo Belén
2017Matrix problems induced by visual cryptography schemesGiraldo Salazar, Hernán Alonso; Moreno Cañadas, Agustín; Serna Vanegas, Robinson Julián
2018The exact dynamical Chern Simons metric for a spinning black hole possesses a fourth constant of motion: A Dynamical-Systems-Based ConjecturePachón Contreras, Leonardo Augusto; Gutiérrez Ruiz, Andrés Felipe; Yunes, Nicolás; Cárdenas Avendaño, Alejandro
2012Regionally nested patterns of fish assemblages in floodplain lakes of the Magdalena river (Colombia)Hernández Serna, Walter Andrés; Carvajal Quintero, Juan David; Jiménez Segura, Luz Fernanda; Gulfo González, Alejandra; Álvarez Bustamante, Frank Edward; Granado Lorencio, Carlos
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 1470