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dc.contributor.advisorDuarte Duarte, Jakeline-
dc.contributor.advisorGiraldo Castaño, Cristian-
dc.contributor.authorCórdoba Armijo, Yenny Paola-
dc.contributor.authorArias Jaramillo, Jenny Marcela-
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN: Colombia es un país que durante muchos años ha estado marcado por diferentes tipos de violencias, entre ellos, la violencia urbana que se instaura en los barrios populares de ciudades como Medellín, para ejercer el poder sobre los ciudadanos y condenarlos a vivir bajo sus normas, miedo y desesperanza desempeñando así, un papel dominante en las relaciones sociales y familiares de los habitantes de dichos contextos. Frente a los actos de violencia que ejercen los grupos delincuenciales en una zona, es difícil que, tanto niños y niñas como adultos, no lleguen a sentir o experimentar una emoción tan natural como la ira que se manifiesta en el deseo de venganza, de dañar a otros y de retribución del mal. Esta realidad que se vivió y continúa presente en la vida de muchos sujetos, se convierte en una provocación insistente para que los niños y las niñas especialmente, adopten ciertos comportamientos que no favorecen la convivencia social y la construcción de relaciones civilizadas, pues suelen acostumbrarse con facilidad a ver la violencia como el único medio para resolver conflictos, justificando y aprobando actos que perjudican la vida y la dignidad de las personas. Por lo anterior, la presente investigación se interesó por indagar y comprender las nociones que tienen los niños y las niñas que habitan contextos de violencia urbana en la ciudad de Medellín sobre la ira como emoción política, identificando los referentes socioculturales desde los cuales han configurado esta emoción a partir de las vivencias y experiencias que han tenido. En esta investigación participaron dos niños y una niña que oscilan entre los 5 y 7 años y que viven en el barrio Nuevo Amanecer, un sector ubicado en el corregimiento Belén AltaVista al occidente de la ciudad de Medellín.spa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: Colombia is a country that for many years has been marked by different types of violence, among them, the urban violence that is established in the popular neighborhoods of cities like Medellín, to exercise power over citizens and condemn them to live under its rules, fear and despair thus interpreting a dominant role in the social and family relationships of the inhabitants of these contexts. Faced with the acts of violence carried out by criminal groups in an area, it is difficult for both children and adults not to feel or experience an emotion as natural as anger that manifests itself in the desire for revenge, to harm others and retribution for evil. This reality that was lived and continues to be present in the lives of many subjects, becomes an insistent provocation for boys and girls especially, to adopt certain behaviors that do not favor social coexistence and the construction of healthy relationships, since they usually get used to facility to see violence as the only means to resolve conflicts justifying and approving acts that denigrate the life and dignity of people Due to the above, the present investigation was interested in investigating and understanding the notions that two boys and a girl from 5 to 7 years old who live in contexts of urban violence in the city of Medellín have about anger as a political emotion, identifying the sociocultural referents from which the boys and the girl have configured this emotion from the experiences and experiences, all this guided from different activities focused on the narrated drawing as an expression of the narrative imagination that allowed the understanding and reflection of each subject and the posture that it exercises in your context. This research was carried out with 3 participants, among them, two boys and a girl who range between 5 and 7 years old and who live in the Nuevo Amanecer neighborhood, a sector located in the Belén AltaVista corregimiento to the west of the city of Medellín. The methodology of this project was developed under the paradigm of qualitative research, from the hermeneutical method and the phenomenological approach, since this allowed us to understand, from the experiences of the subjects, some aspects that make sense in the relationships they establish with others and in the ways of interacting with them based on their experiences and beliefs as inhabitants of contexts of urban violence, thus understanding that an event that crosses a group of people never has the same effect on all subjects, since each one from their feelings and from the meaning they give to these events they take a personal position; this event is the objective and what interests him to investigate and understand hermeneutics as a research method.spa
dc.titleConfiguración de la ira como emoción política en niños y niñas de 5 a 7 años que habitan contextos de violencia urbana en la ciudad de Medellínspa
thesis.degree.nameLicenciada en Pedagogía Infantilspa
thesis.degree.disciplineFacultad de Educación. Licenciatura en Educación Infantilspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín - Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregradospa
dc.subject.unescoResolución de conflictos-
dc.subject.unescoConflict resolution-
dc.subject.proposalEmociones políticasspa
dc.subject.proposalViolencia urbanaspa
dc.subject.proposalniños y niñasspa
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Educación Infantil (Pedagogía Infantil)

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