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Título : Strategies for activity maintenance in patient and family care and clinical trial adherence of GNA social plan in context of COVID-19 health emergency
Autor : Ramos Pérez, Claudia Patricia
Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier
Andrade Villegas, Ángela Marcela
Aguillón Niño, David Fernando
Gómez Vega, Manuela
Giraldo Gómez, Andrea
Gómez Henck, Clara
Zuluaga Patiño, María
Rassi Vargas, Sofía
Uribe Pérez, Clara Mónica
Saldarriaga Henao, Amanda Lucía
Alzate Echeverri, Diana Paola
Giraldo Chica, Margarita María
Ríos Romenets, Silvia
Madrigal Zapata, Lucía del Socorro
metadata.dc.subject.*: Enfermedad de Alzheimer
Alzheimer Disease
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Wiley Open Access
Citación : Angela M Andrade-Villegas, David Aguillon, Manuela Gómez, Clara Gómez-Henck, Maria Zuluaga, Sofia Rassi, Claudia Ramos, Claudia Madrigal, Claramonika Uribe, Amanda Saldarriaga, Diana Alzate, Alejandra Ruiz, Andrea Giraldo, Margarita Giraldo-Chica, Eric M Reiman, Kaycee M Sink, Silvia Rios-Romenets, Lucia Madrigal, Francisco Lopera
Resumen : ABSTRACT: Background: The current pandemic COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV2 has become apublic health challenge, causing difficulty in patient care and follow up of people withcognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease. This situation motivated changes andadjustments to the Group of Neurosciences of Antioquia’s (GNA) Social Plan to guaran-tee effective continuity in patient care, family follow-up, community interventions andadherence to the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative (API) Colombia clinical trial. Thiswas an opportunity to innovate, create, reinvent and expand forms of care and inter-vention during confinement and pandemic to promote access through virtual mediaand the well-being of beneficiaries.Methods: The Social Plan program involves free access to basic care suppliesfor patients, home-visits, support groups, cognitive stimulation groups and vir-tual community outreach activities like workshops for caregivers/interested pub-lic, Alzheimer’s Day Commemoration “Cuidarme – Cuidarte” event (with availablerecorded resources), symposiums for caregivers, and informative meetings with par-ticipants of the API Colombia clinical trial.Results: In the period of mandatory preventive confinement, 30 families obtained dia-pers, 23 families received prescription drugs not provided by health maintenance orga-nizations (HMO) and 48 families received groceries. A total of 32 home-visits weremade: 7 in rural areas and 25 in urban areas. At the end of the mandatory preven-tive confinement, outpatient medical consults were resumed, no participants withdrewfrom the trial during this period. Thirty-six people with MCI or dementia participatedin virtual cognitive stimulation activities. Caregiver remote workshops held in the firstsemester of 2020 had a total attendance of 80 people, and events held in the sec-ond semester, such as the Commemoration of Alzheimer’s Day and the Symposium forCaregivers, had a total attendance of 1,665 people and 1,000 people respectively.
metadata.dc.identifier.eissn: 1552-5279
ISSN : 1552-5260
metadata.dc.identifier.doi: 10.1002/alz.053105
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de conferencias en Ciencias Médicas

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