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dc.contributor.authorRangel Martínez, Andrés Mauricio-
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz, Claudia-
dc.contributor.authorOcampo Saldarriaga, María Victoria-
dc.contributor.authorQuintero, Claudia-
dc.contributor.authorEscobar, Marcela-
dc.contributor.authorBotero Cardona, Sonia Yaneth-
dc.contributor.authorMarín, Catalina-
dc.contributor.authorJaramillo González, Luis Eduardo-
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Pedraza, Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorOspina Duque, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorPalacio, Carlos Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorArango, Juan-
dc.contributor.authorValencia, Ana-
dc.contributor.authorAguirre, Daniel-
dc.contributor.authorGarcía Valencia, Jenny-
dc.identifier.citationRangel A, Muñoz C, Ocampo MV, Quintero C, Escobar M, Botero S, et al. Neurocognitive Subtypes of Schizophrenia / Subtipos neurocognitivos de esquizofrenia. Actas. Esp. Psiquiatr [Internet]. 2015 May 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 23];43(3):80-9. Available from: https://actaspsiquiatria.es/index.php/actas/article/view/400spa
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN: Objetivo. Identificar empíricamente subtipos neuro-cognitivos de esquizofrenia y establecer la asociación de estos con características clínicas.Métodos. Se aplicaron pruebas de atención sostenida, función ejecutiva, reconocimiento facial de emociones, me-moria verbal y de trabajo a 253 sujetos con esquizofrenia. A partir de los resultados de estas pruebas se identificaron los subtipos mediante análisis de clases latentes. Posteriormen-te, se evaluó la asociación de cada subtipo con característi-cas clínicas.Resultados. Se identificaron cuatro subtipos: 1) déficit cognitivo global, 2) déficit de memoria y función ejecutiva, 3) déficit de memoria y reconocimiento de emociones y 4) sin déficit cognitivo. Al comparar con el subtipo sin déficit cognitivo, se observó que tanto el de déficit de memoria y función ejecutiva como el de déficit cognitivo global tenían mayor frecuencia individuos de sexo masculino, desemplea-dos, con deterioro grave y adherentes al tratamiento. Sin embargo, en el subtipo con déficit cognitivo global la dife-rencia fue más alta y presentaron una frecuencia más baja de antecedentes de episodios depresivos (OR 0,39; IC95%: 0,16 a 0,97). El subtipo de déficit de memoria y reconoci-miento emocional tenía más sujetos con deterioro grave (OR 5,52; IC95%: 1,89 a 16,14) y desempleo (OR 2,43; IC95%: 1,06 a 5,55), pero menos con antecedentes de episodios de-presivos (OR 0,21; IC95%: 0,07 a 0,66). Conclusión. Los resultados muestran cuatro subtipos neurocognitivos de esquizofrenia con un posible espectro de severidad, asociándose en un extremo con mayor disfunción, y en el otro con mayor psicopatología afectiva y menor ad-herencia al tratamiento.Palabras claves: Esquizofrenia, Subtipos, Neurocognitivo, Neuropsicología, Espectro ABSTRACT: Objective. To empirically identify schizophrenia neuro-cognitive subtypes and establish their association with clin-ical characteristics. Methods. Sustained attention, executive function, fa-cial emotion recognition, verbal learning, and working memory tests were applied to 253 subjects with schizophre-nia. We identified neurocognitive subtypes by a latent class analysis of the tests results. After, we made a search for the association of these subtypes with clinic characteristics.Results. We identified four neurocognitive subtypes: 1) “Global cognitive deficit”, 2) “Memory and executive function deficit”, 3) “Memory and facial emotion recognition deficit,” and 4) “Without cognitive deficit.” In comparison with the subtype “without cognitive deficit,” we found that the “memory and executive function deficit subtype” and the “global cognitive deficit subtype” had a higher frequency of male, unemployed, severe impairment, and adherence to treatment participants. However, in the “global cognitive deficit subtype” the differences were higher and there was also a lower frequency of past major depressive episodes (OR 0.39; 95%CI: 0.16 to 0.97). The “memory and facial recognition deficit subtype” had a higher probability of severe impairment (OR 5.52; 95%CI: 1.89 to 16.14) and unemployed (OR 2.43; 95%CI: 1.06 to 5.55) participants, but also a lower probability of past depressive episodes (OR 0.21; 95%CI: 0.07 to 0.66). Conclusion. Our results suggest the existence of four neurocognitive subtypes in schizophrenia with a spectrum of dysfunction and severity. We found higher dysfunction in those with worse cognitive dysfunction, and higher affective psychopathology and less treatment adherence in those with less cognitive dysfunction. Keywords: Schizophrenia, Subtypes, Neurocognitive, Neuropsychology, Spectrumspa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: Objective. To empirically identify schizophrenia neurocognitive subtypes and establish their association with clinical characteristics. Methods. Sustained attention, executive function, facial emotion recognition, verbal learning, and working memory tests were applied to 253 subjects with schizophrenia. We identified neurocognitive subtypes by a latent class analysis of the tests results. After, we made a search for the association of these subtypes with clinic characteristics. Results. We identified four neurocognitive subtypes: 1) “Global cognitive deficit”, 2) “Memory and executive function deficit”, 3) “Memory and facial emotion recognition deficit,” and 4) “Without cognitive deficit.” In comparison with the subtype “without cognitive deficit,” we found that the “memory and executive function deficit subtype” and the “global cognitive deficit subtype” had a higher frequency of male, unemployed, severe impairment, and adherence to treatment participants. However, in the “global cognitive deficit subtype” the differences were higher and there was also a lower frequency of past major depressive episodes (OR 0.39; 95%CI: 0.16 to 0.97). The “memory and facial recognition deficit subtype” had a higher probability of severe impairment (OR 5.52; 95%CI: 1.89 to 16.14) and unemployed (OR 2.43; 95%CI: 1.06 to 5.55) participants, but also a lower probability of past depressive episodes (OR 0.21; 95%CI: 0.07 to 0.66). Conclusion. Our results suggest the existence of four neurocognitive subtypes in schizophrenia with a spectrum of dysfunction and severity. We found higher dysfunction in those with worse cognitive dysfunction, and higher affective psychopathology and less treatment adherence in those with less cognitive dysfunction.spa
dc.format.extent11 páginasspa
dc.publisherFundación López Iborspa
dc.titleSubtipos neurocognitivos de esquizofreniaspa
dc.title.alternativeNeurocognitive Subtypes of Schizophreniaspa
dc.publisher.groupBiología y Clínicaspa
dc.publisher.groupGrupo Académico de Epidemiología Clínicaspa
dc.publisher.groupGrupo de Investigación en Psiquiatría GIPSIspa
oaire.citationtitleActas Españolas de Psiquiatríaspa
oaire.fundernameUniversidad de Antioquia. Vicerrectoría de investigación. Comité para el Desarrollo de la Investigación - CODIspa
oaire.fundernameColombia. Ministerio de Ciencia ,Tecnología e Innovación - MiniCienciasspa
dc.publisher.placeMadrid, Españaspa
dc.type.localArtículo de investigaciónspa
dc.subject.decsTrastornos Neurocognitivos-
dc.subject.decsNeurocognitive Disorders-
dc.subject.decsPruebas de Estado Mental y Demencia-
dc.subject.decsMental Status and Dementia Tests-
dc.subject.decsDisfunción Cognitiva-
dc.subject.decsCognitive Dysfunction-
dc.subject.decsTrastornos de la Memoria-
dc.subject.decsMemory Disorders-
dc.subject.decsFunción Ejecutiva-
dc.subject.decsExecutive Function-
dc.subject.decsReconocimiento Facial-
dc.subject.decsFacial Recognition-
oaire.awardnumberCODI 2550spa
oaire.awardnumberMinCiencias 111545921538spa
dc.relation.ispartofjournalabbrevActas Esp. Psiquiatr.spa
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Médicas

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