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Título : Soberanía alimentaria y construcción de paz: análisis de las agendas de política pública en Colombia 2012 - 2023
Autor : Ruedas Jaimes, Merly
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Mesa Betancur, Xamara
metadata.dc.subject.*: Política Nutricional
Nutrition Policy
Política Pública
Public Policy
Seguridad Alimentaria
Food Security
Proceso de paz - Colombia
Fecha de publicación : 2025
Resumen : RESUMEN: Esta investigación tuvo como finalidad realizar un análisis de cómo se han configurado las agendas de política pública en torno a la soberanía alimentaria y la construcción de paz en Colombia durante el periodo 2012-2023. Esto con el fin de identificar esa mirada catalizadora que se ha tenido a nivel gubernamental y social frente a las problemáticas asociadas a ambas temáticas y que tienen una gran importancia a nivel nacional. El proyecto de investigación se centra en el estudio de las agendas de política pública ya que estas posibilitan abordar aspectos sociales relacionados con los actores, las causas, los contextos, así como las capacidades efectivas de los gobiernos para la gestión de problemas. Para lograr este análisis, se aplicó una metodología cualitativa, sustentada en una estrategia de investigación (estudio de caso) y tres técnicas de recolección de información: entrevistas semiestructuradas, encuesta y análisis documental, buscando, a partir de estas, abordar las categorías analíticas del proyecto investigativo: soberanía alimentaria, construcción de paz y agendas de política pública. Finalmente, los hallazgos encontrados permiten reconocer que la soberanía alimentaria y la construcción de paz se configuran de forma relacional dentro de la agenda gubernamental, lo cual afianza una postura frente a un contexto político, posibilitando futuras acciones a nivel estructural. Así mismo, esta investigación permitió identificar la importancia de la participación de los actores, evidenciar el poder corporativo en torno a las políticas públicas, reafirmar las miradas y perspectivas frente a lo alimentario desde distintos sectores, develar la necesidad de reconocer las realidades de los territorios y finalmente proponer acciones que se deben gestar desde los diferentes sectores. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to carry out an analysis of how public policy agendas have been configured around food sovereignty and peace building in Colombia during the years 2012 to 2023. This is in order to identify that catalytic view that has been had at the governmental and social level in the face of the problems associated with both themes and that are of great importance at the national level. The research project focuses on the study of public policy agendas since these make it possible to address social aspects related to the actors, the causes, the contexts, as well as the effective capacities of governments to manage problems. To achieve this analysis, a qualitative methodology was applied, supported by a research strategy (case study) and three information collection techniques: semi-structured interviews, survey and documentary analysis, seeking, from these, to address the analytical categories of the research project: food sovereignty, peace building and public policy agendas. Finally, the findings allow us to recognize that food sovereignty and peacebuilding are configured in a relational way within the government agenda, which strengthens a position in a political context, enabling future actions at a structural level. Likewise, this research allowed us to identify the importance of the participation of the actors, to demonstrate the corporate power around public policies, to reaffirm the views and perspectives on food from different sectors, to reveal the need to recognize the realities of the territories and finally to propose actions that must be developed from the different sectors.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is to carry out an analysis of how public policy agendas have been configured around food sovereignty and peace building in Colombia during the years 2012 to 2023. This is in order to identify that catalytic view that has been had at the governmental and social level in the face of the problems associated with both themes and that are of great importance at the national level. The research project focuses on the study of public policy agendas since these make it possible to address social aspects related to the actors, the causes, the contexts, as well as the effective capacities of governments to manage problems. To achieve this analysis, a qualitative methodology was applied, supported by a research strategy (case study) and three information collection techniques: semi-structured interviews, survey and documentary analysis, seeking, from these, to address the analytical categories of the research project: food sovereignty, peace building and public policy agendas. Finally, the findings allow us to recognize that food sovereignty and peacebuilding are configured in a relational way within the government agenda, which strengthens a position in a political context, enabling future actions at a structural level. Likewise, this research allowed us to identify the importance of the participation of the actors, to demonstrate the corporate power around public policies, to reaffirm the views and perspectives on food from different sectors, to reveal the need to recognize the realities of the territories and finally to propose actions that must be developed from the different sectors.
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrías de la Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética

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