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dc.contributor.advisorRunge Peña, Andrés Klaus-
dc.contributor.authorFernández Fernández, Adriano-
dc.identifier.citationFernández Fernández, A.(2016). El proceso de configuración del campo curricular en Colombia entre 1994 y 2010: una investigación basada en la producción escrita de sus autores/as más representativos/as (Tesis doctoral). Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.spa
dc.description.abstractRESUMEN: A partir de la inquietud ¿Cuál ha sido el proceso de configuración del campo curricular en Colombia entre los años 1994-2010?, realizamos un viaje por las producciones escritas de los/as autores/as más representativos de los grupos de investigación que estudian e indagan sobre el currículo; nuestro modesto equipaje, en principio constaba de tres conceptos fundamentales: campo, metateoría y configuración; ellos fueron básicos, porque luego de un proceso manufacturado, tejido finamente, aparecieron nuestros lentes que nos permitieron explorar, rastrear en los documentos seleccionados las huellas que al estar dispersas, se instituyen en vestigios al ser situadas como evidencias de la configuración del campo del currículo en Colombia. Los hallazgos encontrados permitieron develar algunas rutas curriculares que emergieron en el contexto académico colombiano, pero debido a la falta de eventos que potencien el debate de las investigaciones que sobre currículo se producen en Colombia, concluimos que, si bien es cierto la existencia de un proceso de configuración, también lo es, el hecho de no considerarlo como campo.spa
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: From restlessness What it was the process of configuring the field curricular Colombia between 1994- 2010?, made a trip to the written productions / as authors / as more representative of the research groups that study and ask about the curriculum; our modest luggage in principle consisted of three basic concepts: countryside, metatheory and configuration; They were basic, because after a manufactured process, finely woven, appeared our lenses that allowed us to explore, track in the tracks selected documents to be dispersed, are instituted in traces to be located as evidence of the curriculum field configuration In Colombia. Armed with compass and lens, we think we should give strengthening our luggage; Thus emerged the map in which we shape our way of work and decided to investigate qualitative and hermeneutics written productions on which way we decided to work; hermeneutical circle flat on the practice path of the spiral and started moving us about it, always moving forward and backward; since, every kick was a breakthrough because it allowed to make stops on the way, park to reflect and act, act and reflect, to interpret and reinterpret the written speeches objects of our investigation. Now, enlisted a particular horizon, proper conceptual theoretical foundation, a defined route, a map for travel and a lens to fix and move away, we dive into the sea of written discourses on curriculum exist in Colombia identified as books or book chapters. After lengthy tasks, cheerful and tiring, for some outside observers practices can be categorized as an academic autism, we refute the above, the closeness and proximity that could be established between the author / s, researcher, director and some pairs academics. Actions taken to read and reread, write and rebuild what has been written, to walk in the mornings to ease tensions and oxygenate the mind, to nourish new ideas that allowed us to continue the journey.Today I return, not with the same luggage, safe journey full of new experiences in local, national and international arenas; with a response among many, the anxiety that made me travel, but at the same time increase my cultural capital: What was the process of configuring the curriculum field in Colombia between 1994-2010? Response that is embodied in the findings: institutions, such as universities enhance and support curriculum development in Colombia; actors, which researchers / as from their written speeches on joint curriculum and create tensions with the official curriculum speech, speeches and other academic peers, and they have built curricular routes from which can guide the structuring and development programs training in higher education. In this vein, we find signs, tracks; remains immersed in the writings discourses on curriculum in Colombia and once configured regularized and show the existence of a common cultural capital and some actors and institutions with interest appropriation.spa
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 CO)*
dc.titleEl proceso de configuración del campo curricular en Colombia entre 1994 y 2010 : una investigación basada en la producción escrita de sus autores/as más representativos/asspa
thesis.degree.nameDoctor en Educaciónspa
thesis.degree.disciplineFacultad de Educación. Doctorado en Educaciónspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín, Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Doctoradospa
dc.subject.lembEducación superior-
dc.subject.lembEducation, higher-
dc.subject.lembPlanes de estudio-
dc.subject.lembEducation - Curricula-
dc.subject.lembInvestigación cualitativa-
dc.subject.lembQualitative research-
dc.subject.lembCurrículo - Colombia-
dc.subject.lembCurricula - Colombia-
dc.subject.ericDesarrollo de programas de estudios-
dc.subject.ericCurriculum development-
Aparece en las colecciones: Doctorados de la Facultad de Educación

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