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Título : Propuesta pedagógica desde el aprendizaje mediado para potenciar los procesos de participación social de niños y niñas
Autor : Arias Taborda, Erika
Rojo Palacio, Leydy
Zapata Lossfner, Mónica Yanet
metadata.dc.subject.*: Participación
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Citación : Arias Taborda, E., Rojo Palacio, L., & Zapata Loffsner, M.Y. (2016). Propuesta pedagógica desde el aprendizaje mediado para potenciar los procesos de participación social de niños y niñas. Manuscrito inédito.
Resumen : From the curriculum of the Bachelor's degree in Special Education at the University of Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia) is promoted training of teacher that reflect front to the thematics that involve to the people in situation of disability; Framed in strengthening educational, social, cultural and political processes. This allows it perform analysis and reflections front to the importance of generate educational opportunities that significant learning farther for the social participation. Starting of the experience lived in the early practices and the premise that Vygotsky (1979) proposes "The self human is a social construction more that biological and his superior functions are the result of development cultural"; It identified that children with cognitive disabilities have few opportunities of access mid spaces that easy an adequate social participation. That is why we designed and implemented an pedagogical proposal with the aim of favor the processes of access and participation of children with cognitive diversity, this proposal is implemented in an area of the country of Colombia: Riosucio-Caldas. From the pedagogical proposal it want that the teachers and parents propitiate strategies that allow children to enrich their educational processes and social participation, where children, perceive their ability to act and make decisions, the which allows take awareness their practices and the attitudes for socialization; thus generating, enough confidence to the emancipation and creation of new learning spaces, maximizing trust and restoring itself in the context. Thus, when we mediate spaces for that children participate, we allow them generate and express their opinion favoring the construction of more democratic societies, having as based on dialogue and problem solving from holisticas looks.
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Educación

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