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Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2014 | Kalanchoe daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet. & H. y su potencial uso como fuente de antioxidantes y colorantes naturales | Puertas Mejía, Miguel Ángel; Tobón Gallego, Julián; Arango Valencia, Víctor Hugo |
2022 | Kandinsky color y forma 100 años después | Lopera Chaves, María Teresa |
2018 | Kandinsky o el principio de la necesidad interior en el arte | Bernal Rivera, Beatriz Elena |
2018 | Kant y Piaget : revisión sobre sus teorías acerca de la moralidad humana | Bedoya Vergara, Esteban Antonio |
2011 | Kant, Baudelaire y la ruptura del ideal neoclásico de la belleza humana | Tobón Giraldo, Daniel Jerónimo |
1999 | Kant, sus maestros y los maestros de la humanidad | Ríos Acevedo, Clara Inés |
2005 | Kappa-casein gene study with molecular markers in female buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) | Cerón Muñoz, Mario Fernando; Otaviano, Antonio Roberto; Tonhati, Humberto; Desidério Sena, Janete Aparecida |
2010 | Karl Marx : dinero, capital y crisis | Deleplace, Ghislain |
1983 | Ketoconazol y griseofulvina en el tratamiento de la Tinea unguium | Cano Restrepo, Luz Elena; Dolores Arango, María; Sierra de Arroyave, Beatriz Helena; Restrepo Moreno, Ángela |
2020 | Key amino acid residues involved in mammalian and insecticidal activities of Magi4 and Hv1b, cysteine‑rich spider peptides from the δ‑atracotoxin family | Corrales García, Ligia Luz; Borrego, Jesús; Clement, Herlinda; Arenas, Iván; Corzo, Gerardo |
2021 | Las Key Audit Matters–KAM- y el desempeño financiero : evidencia temprana en América Latina | Montoya Ramírez, Daniela; Zea Duque, Paula Andrea |
2024 | Key Chemical Soil Parameters for the Assembly of Rhizosphere Bacteria Associated with Avocado Cv Hass Grafted on Landrace Rootstocks | Córdoba Agudelo, Mateo; Arboleda Rivera, Juan Camilo; Borrego Muñoz, David Andrés; Ramírez Cuartas, Camilo Andrés; Pérez Jaramillo, Juan Esteban |
2016 | Key concepts of agroecology science. A systematic review | Gómez, Luis Fernando; Ríos Osorio, Leonardo Alberto; Eschenhagen Durán, María Luisa |
2022 | Key players in the reproductive transition in neotropical orchids : a departure from model monocots | Madrigal Bedoya, Yesenia; Scanlon, Michael; Alzate Restrepo, Juan Fernando; Pabón Mora, Natalia |
2022 | Killer-Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor Diversity in an Admixed South American Population | Castrillón Álvarez, Marlon; Álvarez Botero, Cristiam Mauricio; Velásquez Giraldo, Sonia Yamile; Karduss Urueta, Amado José; Marín Agudelo, Nancy Dora |
2021 | Kinetic analysis and modeling of L-valine production in fermentation batch from E. coli using glucose, lactose and whey as carbon sources | Zapata Montoya, José Edgar; Carranza Saavedra, Darwin; Sánchez Henao, Claudia Patricia |
2011 | Kinetic analysis of gene expression during mycelium to yeast transition and yeast to mycelium germination in Paracoccidioides brasiliensis | Hernández Ruiz, Orville; Tamayo Ossa, Diana Patricia; Torres Gómez, Isaura Patricia; McEwen Ochoa, Juan Guillermo; García Cepero, Ana María |
2020 | Kinetic and Fluid-Dynamic Modeling of a CFR Engine Fueled by Oxygenated Gasoline | Domínguez Cardozo, Sara |
2017 | Kinetic model describing the UV/H2O2 Photodegradation of phenol From water | Chica Arrieta, Edwin Lenin; Peñuela Mesa, Gustavo Antonio; Rubio Clemente, Ainhoa |
2024 | Kinetic modeling of microwave‑assisted esterification for biofuel additive production: conversion of levulinic acid with pentanol using Dowex® 50WX8 catalyst | Gallego Villada, Luis Alfonso; Alarcón Durango, Edwin Alexis; Sathicq, Ángel G.; Romanelli, Gustavo P. |