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2024QMRA models of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods and their potential application in the colombian context : a theoretical approachRodríguez Quinchía, Cristian Camilo
2023Quadrature hybrid optimization for ALMA bands 2 and 3 : particle swarm algorithm for millimeter and sub-millimeter microwave devices optimizationCárdenas Lopera, Jorge Hernán
2024Qualifizierung und Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften in der Frühpädagogik : Am Beispiel der Kindergärten der Deutschen Auslandsschulen in KolumbienPérez Ariza, Vanina Alejandra
2023Quality of Cauca coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under different agricultural management practicesRendón Mera, Alicia María
2018Quality of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) DNA from foliar tissue at different stages of developmentHenao Ramírez, Ana María; Salazar Duque, Héctor Jaime; Urrea Trujillo, Aura Inés
2018Quality of life in patients with larynx cancer in Latin America: Comparison between laryngectomy and organ preservation protocolsSanabria Quiroga, Álvaro Enrique; Sánchez, Daniel; Chala Galindo, Andrés Ignacio; Álvarez, Andrés
2018Quality of nursing care : perception of parents of newborns hospitalized in neonatal unitsJaramillo Santiago, Lina Ximena; Osorio Galeano, Sandra Patricia; Salazar Blandón, Diego Alejandro
2022Quality of red tilapia viscera oil (Oreochromis sp.) as a function of extraction methodsArias Cardona, Lorena; Márquez Fernández, Diana Margarita; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar
2023Quantification and modelling of the in vivo dose-effect relationship of antienterococcal drug combinationsJiménez Toro, Ivone Eliana
2023Quantification of coverage, uniformity and residues for CVD monolayer graphene transfer process based on image analysisBallestas Romero, Kevin Manuel; Zapata Caro, Juan Diego; Ramírez Zora, Daniel Estiben
2020Quantification of malaria antigens PfHRP2 and pLDH by quantitative suspension array technology in whole blood, dried blood spot and plasmaVásquez Cardona, Ana María; Ding, Xavier C.; Faye, Babacar; Gamboa, Dionicia; González, Raquel; Incardona, Sandra; Jiménez, Alfons; Macete, Eusebio; Martiáñe Vendrell, Xavier; Mayor, Alfredo; Menéndez, Clara; Campillo, Ana; Oyibo, Wellington; Torres, Katherine
2009Quantification of the genetic change in the transition of Rhodnius pallescens Barber, 1932 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from field to laboratoryGómez Sucerquia, Leysa Jackeline; Triana Chávez, Omar; Jaramillo Ocampo, Nicolás
2016Quantifying and Controlling Biases in Estimates of Dark Matter Halo ConcentrationMuñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos; Poveda Ruiz, Christian Nicanor; Forero Romero, Jaime Ernesto
2018Quantifying the performance of MEG source reconstruction using resting state dataLópez Hincapié, José David; Little, Simon; Bonaiuto, James; S. Meyer, Sofie; Bestmann, Sven; Barnes, Gareth
2011Quantitative and functional evaluation of innate immune responses in patients with Common Variable ImmunodeficiencyTrujillo Vargas, Claudia Milena; Muskus López, Carlos Enrique; Orrego Arango, Julio César; Patiño Grajales, Pablo Javier; Montoya Guarín, Carlos Julio
2023Quantitative assessment of learning process from EEG and ECG signals during training in laparoscopic surgery using a simulatorSuárez Revelo, Jazmín Ximena
2015Quantitative defects in invariant NKT cells and TLR responses in patients with hyper-IgE syndromeGutiérrez Hincapié, Sebastián; Muskus López, Carlos Enrique; Montoya Guarín, Carlos Julio; Trujillo Varga, Claudia Milena
2014Quantitative EEG analysis disease during resting and memory task in carriers and non-carriers of PS-1 E280A mutation of familial Alzheimer´sDuque Grajales, Jon Edinson; Tobón Quintero, Carlos Andrés; Aponte Restrepo, Claudia; Ochoa Gómez, John Fredy; Muñoz Zapata, Claudia Cecilia; Hernández Valdivieso, Alher Mauricio; Quiroz Zapata, Yakeel; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier
2016Quantitative Study of the differences in Mithocondrium distribution between DENV Infected and Mock CellsGallego Gómez, Juan Carlos; Cardona Gómez, Juan Carlos
2013Quantum disc plus inverse square potential. An analytical model for two-dimensional quantum rings : study of nonlinear optical propertiesDuque Jiménez, Carlos Mario