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Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) |
2024 | QMRA models of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods and their potential application in the colombian context : a theoretical approach | Rodríguez Quinchía, Cristian Camilo |
2023 | Quadrature hybrid optimization for ALMA bands 2 and 3 : particle swarm algorithm for millimeter and sub-millimeter microwave devices optimization | Cárdenas Lopera, Jorge Hernán |
2024 | Qualifizierung und Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften in der Frühpädagogik : Am Beispiel der Kindergärten der Deutschen Auslandsschulen in Kolumbien | Pérez Ariza, Vanina Alejandra |
2023 | Quality of Cauca coffee (Coffea arabica L.) under different agricultural management practices | Rendón Mera, Alicia María |
2018 | Quality of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) DNA from foliar tissue at different stages of development | Henao Ramírez, Ana María; Salazar Duque, Héctor Jaime; Urrea Trujillo, Aura Inés |
2018 | Quality of life in patients with larynx cancer in Latin America: Comparison between laryngectomy and organ preservation protocols | Sanabria Quiroga, Álvaro Enrique; Sánchez, Daniel; Chala Galindo, Andrés Ignacio; Álvarez, Andrés |
2018 | Quality of nursing care : perception of parents of newborns hospitalized in neonatal units | Jaramillo Santiago, Lina Ximena; Osorio Galeano, Sandra Patricia; Salazar Blandón, Diego Alejandro |
2022 | Quality of red tilapia viscera oil (Oreochromis sp.) as a function of extraction methods | Arias Cardona, Lorena; Márquez Fernández, Diana Margarita; Zapata Montoya, José Edgar |
2023 | Quantification and modelling of the in vivo dose-effect relationship of antienterococcal drug combinations | Jiménez Toro, Ivone Eliana |
2023 | Quantification of coverage, uniformity and residues for CVD monolayer graphene transfer process based on image analysis | Ballestas Romero, Kevin Manuel; Zapata Caro, Juan Diego; Ramírez Zora, Daniel Estiben |
2020 | Quantification of malaria antigens PfHRP2 and pLDH by quantitative suspension array technology in whole blood, dried blood spot and plasma | Vásquez Cardona, Ana María; Ding, Xavier C.; Faye, Babacar; Gamboa, Dionicia; González, Raquel; Incardona, Sandra; Jiménez, Alfons; Macete, Eusebio; Martiáñe Vendrell, Xavier; Mayor, Alfredo; Menéndez, Clara; Campillo, Ana; Oyibo, Wellington; Torres, Katherine |
2009 | Quantification of the genetic change in the transition of Rhodnius pallescens Barber, 1932 (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) from field to laboratory | Gómez Sucerquia, Leysa Jackeline; Triana Chávez, Omar; Jaramillo Ocampo, Nicolás |
2016 | Quantifying and Controlling Biases in Estimates of Dark Matter Halo Concentration | Muñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos; Poveda Ruiz, Christian Nicanor; Forero Romero, Jaime Ernesto |
2018 | Quantifying the performance of MEG source reconstruction using resting state data | López Hincapié, José David; Little, Simon; Bonaiuto, James; S. Meyer, Sofie; Bestmann, Sven; Barnes, Gareth |
2011 | Quantitative and functional evaluation of innate immune responses in patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency | Trujillo Vargas, Claudia Milena; Muskus López, Carlos Enrique; Orrego Arango, Julio César; Patiño Grajales, Pablo Javier; Montoya Guarín, Carlos Julio |
2023 | Quantitative assessment of learning process from EEG and ECG signals during training in laparoscopic surgery using a simulator | Suárez Revelo, Jazmín Ximena |
2015 | Quantitative defects in invariant NKT cells and TLR responses in patients with hyper-IgE syndrome | Gutiérrez Hincapié, Sebastián; Muskus López, Carlos Enrique; Montoya Guarín, Carlos Julio; Trujillo Varga, Claudia Milena |
2014 | Quantitative EEG analysis disease during resting and memory task in carriers and non-carriers of PS-1 E280A mutation of familial Alzheimer´s | Duque Grajales, Jon Edinson; Tobón Quintero, Carlos Andrés; Aponte Restrepo, Claudia; Ochoa Gómez, John Fredy; Muñoz Zapata, Claudia Cecilia; Hernández Valdivieso, Alher Mauricio; Quiroz Zapata, Yakeel; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier |
2016 | Quantitative Study of the differences in Mithocondrium distribution between DENV Infected and Mock Cells | Gallego Gómez, Juan Carlos; Cardona Gómez, Juan Carlos |
2013 | Quantum disc plus inverse square potential. An analytical model for two-dimensional quantum rings : study of nonlinear optical properties | Duque Jiménez, Carlos Mario |