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dc.contributor.advisorLondoño Arroyave, Cristian David-
dc.contributor.advisorArias Patiño, Natalia-
dc.contributor.authorVásquez Ramírez, Diego Armando-
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: This action research paper looks to examine the potential gains and challenges in reading comprehension generated by implementing a vocabulary-based mini lessons framework with 9th grade EFL students. Using a PPP lesson structure, the mini lessons framework focuses onvocabulary acquisition as the main aspect to improve reading comprehension among the study subjects. This paper used various methods of collection to examine the gains and challenges that might arise during the implementation of the mini lessons’ framework; a diagnosis and a final test to measure the initial and final state of students’ reading comprehension; teacher journals to provide qualitative evidence of pedagogical instruction, classroom insights and dynamics, while student artifacts have yielded data on changes in students’ reading comprehension skills as well as learning outcomes. By analyzing these emerging gains and challenges, this paper aimed to account for the impact of a PPP mini lesson framework in a unique context that may also help other educators that could face similar challenges. The study results suggest that the concise and quick nature of PPP mini lessons can helpenhance the reading comprehension skills when targeting instruction of vocabulary and content. Also , it can be recommended as an effective didactic proposal for contexts that face similarly found issues within public education.spa
dc.titleUnlocking reading comprehension : Vocabulary-based minilessons for reading comprehension of 9 th grade EFL studentsspa
thesis.degree.nameLicenciado en Lenguas Extranjerasspa
thesis.degree.disciplineEscuela de Idiomas. Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjerasspa
thesis.degree.grantorUniversidad de Antioquiaspa
dc.publisher.placeMedellín, Colombiaspa
dc.type.localTesis/Trabajo de grado - Monografía - Pregradospa
dc.subject.proposalPPP approachspa
dc.subject.proposalReading comprehensionspa
dc.subject.proposalReading strategiesspa
dc.subject.proposalComprensión de lecturaspa
dc.subject.proposalEnseñanza de idiomasspa
dc.subject.proposalInglés - Vocabulariospa
Aparece en las colecciones: Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras

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