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Resultados 1381-1390 de 42677.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2017Designing and Implementing a Project Based Learning Oriented English Syllabus to Help Eighth Graders Improve Their Communicative Skills at a Public School in MedellínMarín Arbeláez, Vanesa
2018Ma plante : un outil pour l'apprentissage du FLEOrtega Ordóñez, Daniela del Pilar
2017Inquiring From Within: Seventh Graders Expand the Uses of LanguagePulgarín Pérez, Anderson Stiven
2018How can the implementation of a teaching-learning cycle based on Genre Based Approach enhance students' written texts in a group of 11th graders at Institución Educativa CEFA?Castrillón Pineda, Laura Marcela
2018Using the Universal Design for Learning Approach to Enhance Inclusion in a 5th Grade English Class.Bedoya Echavarría, Alan Daniel
2017The Impact of Process Genre Based Approach in students Written CompetenceValencia Osorio, Leidy Yurany
2017La pensée critique dans le cadre de la rédaction d'histoires de vie chez des adolescentes de onzième année d'une école publique à MedellínBerrío Rodríguez, Paula Andrea
2018The Implementation of Montessori Method to Foster EFL Acquisition in Very Young Learners at a Private School in Medellín, Colombia.Ramírez Osorio, Ana María
2016How Can the Implementation of a Problem Posing Approach Promote Critical Reflection in the English Class?Vélez Castañeda, Carlos Andrés
2017From Traditional Grammar to Theme-Based: Teaching English with a PurposeMarín Carvajal, Deisy Carolina