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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Efficacy of high-intensity versus continuous training on serum lipids, fat mass and lean mass in adults with metabolic syndrome: a post hoc analysis of a clinical trialFragozo Ramos, María Carolina
2024Role of myonectin in the regulation of the lipid metabolism in the metabolic syndromePetro Soto, Jorge Luis
2023Serum Levels of Myonectin Are Lower in Adults with Metabolic Syndrome and Are Negatively Correlated with Android Fat MassPetro Soto, Jorge Luis; Fragozo Ramos, María Carolina; Milán Tabares, Andrés Felipe; Aristizábal Rivera, Juan Carlos; Gallo Villegas, Jaime Alberto; Calderón Vélez, Juan Camilo
2023Serum Myonectin Correlates with Abdominal Adiposity but not with Serum or Intramuscular Lipids in AdultsPetro Soto, Jorge Luis; Fragozo Ramos, María Carolina; Milán Tabares, Anrés Felipe; Gallo Villegas, Jaime Alberto; Calderón Vélez, Juan Camilo