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200117β-Estradiol Protects Lymphocytes against Dopamine and Iron-induced Apoptosis by a Genomic-independent Mechanism : Implication in Parkinson's DiseaseJiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2015Ancestral association between HLA and HFE H63D and C282Y gene mutations from northwest ColombiaRodríguez Padilla, Libia María; Giraldo Jiménez, Mabel Cristina; Velásquez Castrillón, Laura Isabel; Álvarez Botero, Cristiam Mauricio; García Moreno, Luis Fernando; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2011Aplicaciones antiofídicas y pro-apoptóticas de Persea americana Var, Hass.Jiménez Ramírez, Silvia Luz; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Quintana Castillo, Juan Carlos; Rey Suárez, Jessica Paola; Bonilla Porras, Angélica Rocío; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Pereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés
2004CA1 hippocampal neuronal loss in Familial Alzheimer's disease presenilin-1 E280A mutation is related with epilepsyVélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Arellano, Jon I.; Cardona Gómez, Gloria Patricia; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; De Felipe, Javier
2005Cinética de producción de H2O2 en embriones bovinos producidos in vitro y su efecto sobre actividad mitocondrialSerrano Novoa, César Augusto; Olivera Ángel, Martha; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Jiménez del Río, Marlene
2014Distribution of APOE polymorphism in the ‘‘Paisa’’ population from northwest Colombia (Antioquia)Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel de Jesús; Rojas Montoya, Winston
2013Dmp53, Basket and drICE Gene Knockdown and Polyphenol Gallic Acid Increase Life Span and Locomotor Activity in a Drosophila Parkinson’s Disease ModelOrtega Arellano, Hector Flavio; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2009Effects of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 on Rotenone-InducedApoptosis in Human Lymphocyte CellsÁvila Gómez, Isabel Cristina; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Jiménez del Río, Marlene
2020Estudio del efecto del D-α-tocoferol polietilenglicol 1000 succinato (TPGS) como potencial agente terapéutico en el tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide crónicaCalvo Álvarez, Jazmín Celeste
2022Evaluación del efecto del Cannabidiol en células tipo neuronales dopaminérgicas intoxicadas con Paraquat y Maneb como modelo in vitro de la Enfermedad de ParkinsonFelizardo Otálvaro, Andrea Alexandra
1998Familial Alzheimer’s Disease : Oxidative Stress, b-amyloid, Presenilins, and Cell DeathVélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Lopera Restrepo, Francisco Javier
2017Glucose promotes resistance in lymphocytes against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis through signaling and metabolic pathways. Implications for Parkinson’s diseaseBonilla Ramírez, Leonardo; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2006Insulin-like growth factor-1 prevents Aβ[25-35] / (H2O2)-induced apoptosis in lymphocytes by reciprocal NF-κB activation and p53 inhibition via PI3K-dependent pathwayJiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2006Los linfocitos: modelo de estudio en las enfermedades de Alzheimer y ParkinsonJiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2013Low Doses of Paraquat and Polyphenols Prolong Life Span and Locomotor Activity in Knock-down Parkin Drosophila Melanogaster Exposed to Oxidative Stress Stimuli : Implication in Autosomal Recessive Juvenile ParkinsonismBonilla Ramírez, Leonardo; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2024LRRK2 Kinase Inhibitor PF-06447475 Protects Drosophila melanogaster against Paraquat-Induced Locomotor Impairment, Life Span Reduction, and Oxidative StressQuintero Espinosa, Diana Alejandra; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2024Minocycline mitigates Aβ and TAU pathology, neuronal dysfunction, and death in the PSEN1 E280A cholinergic-like neurons model of familial Alzheimer’s diseaseGiraldo Berrío, Daniela; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
1998Monoamine and Iron-related Toxicity : From Serotonin-binding Proteins to Lipid Peroxidation and Apoptosis in PC12 CellsVélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Ebinger, Guy; Vauquelin, Georges
2008Paraquat Induces Apoptosis in Human Lymphocytes : Protective and Rescue Effects of Glucose, Cannabinoids and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto
2014Pro-apoptotic effect of Persea americana var. Hass (avocado) on Jurkat lymphoblastic leukemia cellsPereañez Jiménez, Jaime Andrés; Bonilla Porras, Angélica Rocio; Salazar Ospina, Andrea; Jiménez del Río, Marlene; Vélez Pardo, Carlos Alberto