Buscar por Autor Vanegas Rojas, Marlon

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2018Contributing to a self-regulated English language learning process by teacher feedback at an eighth grade at Concejo de Medellin high schoolCortés Castaño, Jose David
2022Embracing Sisterhood: Using Women’s Literature to Favor Positive Interaction and Collaborative Learning in a Group of Eleventh-grade GirlsRuiz Cossio, Julián Andrés
2022Fostering Literacy Development through the Use of Big Books in a Group of First Graders at a Public InstitutionArroyave Suaza, Jhoana
2023Game-Based Learning to enhance Speaking SkillsZapata Vásquez, Emilce
2023Gamification and Classroom Management in a Group of Fifth GradersGómez Rivas, Hugo Alexánder
2018How can the implementation of a teaching-learning cycle based on Genre Based Approach enhance students' written texts in a group of 11th graders at Institución Educativa CEFA?Castrillón Pineda, Laura Marcela
2018How can the implementation of children's literature support the literacy development in a group of first graders at Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco?Rocha Torrado, Karen Johana
2018How can the use of Project Based Learning respond to the linguistic and cultural needs in a group of 8th graders at the Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco?Arias Gallo, Yuri Alejandra
2018How can the use of Rubrics contribute to make assessment a transparent process a ninth grade course at Institución Educativa Concejo de Medellín?Martínez Marín, Alejandra
2018How does the implementation of critical reading strategies raise the levels of social awareness related to the current post-conflict period in students of 8th grade?Navarro Gutiérrez, Simón
2023How the Implementation of Children's Literature Favors the Development of English Language ComprehensionAguirre Salinas, Maria Vaneza
2019Implementing Content and Language Integrated Learning to Improve 11th Graders English ComprehensionSabogal Puentes, Nelson Leandro
2021Implementing Problem-Solving Activities to Enhance Critical Thinking Among EFL Young LearnersSerna Vélez, Ingrid Gisela
2023Implementing Role-Play Strategies to Reduce Foreign Language Anxiety in Oral Production Task in a Group of Tenth Graders at Institución Educativa Centro Formativo de Antioquia (CEFA)Castillo Paniagua, Alejandra
2017Inquiring From Within: Seventh Graders Expand the Uses of LanguagePulgarín Pérez, Anderson Stiven
2017Let's Make Language Learning a Meaningful Experience: Theme Based Teaching for Fourth GradersBravo Ramos, Marticela
2022Lights, Camera and Action: Using Creative Drama to Improve Speaking Skill in a Group of Fifth Graders in a Private InstitutionMéndez Caldón, Edna Carolina
2019Methodological Aspects that Influence Differentiated Learning Instruction Implementation in a 5th Grade Group at I.E. San José in Itaguí.Corrales Betancur, Sebastián
2017Promoting Engagement in the English Language Learning Through the Use of Visual AidsRentería Montoya, Jhoan Manuel
2022Speak Our Minds: Using Task-Based Learning to Enhance the Development of Oral Production in Fifth GradersDíaz Lemus, Yasmin Daniela