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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2002Analysis of SU(3)c ⊗ SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)X local gauge theoryFlórez Moreno, Juan Bautista; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2006Dark matter from the scalar sector of 3-3-1 models without exotic electric chargesFilippi, Simoneta; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2005Hierarchical radiative masses in a supersymmetric three-family model without HiggsinosSánchez Duque, Luis Alberto; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Mira Martínez, Jesús María
2007Phenomenology of the SU(3)c ⊗ SU(3)L ⊗ U(1)X model with right-handed neutrinosGutiérrez Isaza, Diego Alberto; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2003Principio de invariancia de norma y rompimiento espontáneo de simetría en una partícula clásicaMahecha Gómez, Jorge Eduardo; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2009Stability of the Scalar potential and symmetry breaking in the economical 3-3-1 modelGiraldo Úsuga, Yithsbey; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2002SU(3)c⊗SU(3)L⊗U(1)x as an SU(6)⊗U(1)x subgroupMartínez Martínez, Roberto; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2004SU(3)c⊗SU(4)L⊗U(1)X model for three familiesPonce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto; Pérez, Felipe A.
2004SU(3)c⊗SU(4)L⊗U(1)X without exotic electric chargesPonce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Gutiérrez Isaza, Diego Alberto; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto
2003Supersymmetric one-family model without HiggsinosMira Martínez, Jesús María; Ponce Gutiérrez, William Antonio; Restrepo Quintero, Diego Alejandro; Sánchez Duque, Luis Alberto