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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2010Nonstoichiometry and hole doping in NiOOsorio Guillén, Jorge Mario; Lany, Stephan; Zunger, Alex
2007Nonstoichiometry as a source of magnetism in otherwise nonmagnetic oxides : magnetically interacting cation vacancies and their percolationOsorio Guillén, Jorge Mario; Lany, Stephan; Barabash, Sergey V.; Zunger, Alex
2007Origins of the doping asymmetry in oxides : hole doping in NiO versus electron doping in ZnOLany, Stephan; Osorio Guillén, Jorge Mario; Zunger, Alex
2006Structural stability of (Ga,M) As from first principles : Random alloys, ordered compounds, and superlatticesOsorio Guillén, Jorge Mario; Zhao, Yu-Jun; Barabash, Sergey V.; Zunger, Alex