Artículos de Revista en Ciencias Exactas y Naturales : [1465] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 1465
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2019Road kill of snakes on a highway in an Orinoco ecosystem: Landscape factors and species traits related to their mortalityPáez Nieto, Vivian Patricia; Bock Garnier, Brian Carl; Rincón Aranguri, Mónica; Urbina Cardona, Nicolás; Galeano Muñoz, Sandra Patricia
2017Checklist de Fanniidae (Insecta, Diptera) do Estado de Mato Grosso do SulGrisales Ochoa, Diana Patricia; Barros De Carvalho, Claudio José
2012Actividad fungicida e insecticida de emulciones agua/aceite de mezclas de extractos de nicotiana tacum, azadiractha indica y eucalyptus tereticornisMurillo Arango, Walter; Peláez Jaramillo, Carlos Alberto; Araque Marín, Pedronel
2023A decomposition theorem for fnite‐dimensional Jordan superalgebras whose simple part is Kan(2)Gómez González, Faber Alberto; Ramírez Bermúdez, Jhon Alexander
2018Peptides as a Potential Treatment Against LeishmaniasisManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Patiño González, Edwin Bairon
2020Cell cycle progression data on human skin cancer cells with anticancer synthetic peptide LTX-315 treatmentPatiño González, Edwin Bairon; Santa González, Gloria Angélica; Manrique Moreno, Marcela María
2008Multiple origins of resistance-conferring mutations in Plasmodium vivax dihydrofolate reductaseMaestre Buitrago, Amanda Elena; Hawkins, Vivian N; Auliff, Alyson; Prajapati, Surendra Kumar; Rungsihirunrat, Kanchana; Hapuarachchi, Hapuarachchige C; O'Neil, Michael T; Cheng, Qin; Joshi, Hema; Na Bangchang, Kesara; Hopkins Sibley, Carol
2021Bioactive cationic peptides as potential agents for breast cancer treatmentManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Santa González, Gloria Angélica; Gallego Londoño, Vanessa
2021Effect of Essential Oils on Growth Inhibition, Biofilm Formation and Membrane Integrity of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureusManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Klaiss Luna, María Camila; Martínez, Andrés; Stashenko, Elena; Zafra, German; Ortiz López, Claudia Cristina
2021Interaction of the antimicrobial peptide ∆M3 with the Staphylococcus aureus membrane and molecular modelsManrique Moreno, Marcela María; Fandino Devia, Liliana Estefanía; Patino González, Edwin Bairon; Suwalsky, Mario; Jemioła Rzeminska, Małgorzata
2011Habitat-specific constraints on induced hatching in a treefrog with reproductive mode plasticityUrbina González, Jenny; Touchon, Justin; Warkentin, Karen
2016Quantifying and Controlling Biases in Estimates of Dark Matter Halo ConcentrationMuñoz Cuartas, Juan Carlos; Poveda Ruiz, Christian Nicanor; Forero Romero, Jaime Ernesto
2012On the relativistic precession and oscillation frequencies of test particles around rapidly rotating compact starsPachón Contreras, Leonardo Augusto; Rueda Hernández, Jorge Armando; Valenzuela Toledo, Cesar Alonso
2010The star cluster-field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies I. Data analysis techniques and application to NGC 4395Silva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2016Constraining the radiation and plasma environment of the Kepler circumbinary habitable-zone planetsZuluaga Callejas, Jorge Iván; Cuartas Restrepo, Pablo Andrés; Manson, Paul
2011The star cluster – field star connection in nearby spiral galaxies II. Field star and cluster formation histories and their relationSilva Villa, Esteban; Larsen, Soeren
2014Preparación y caracterización de carbón activado a partir de torta de higuerillaOspina Guarín, Viviana María; Buitrago Sierra, Robison; López López, Diana Patricia
2016Utilización de un residuo mineral industrial como catalizador en la hidroconversión de dibenciléter y de un carbón subbituminoso colombianoSánchez Castañeda, Juliana; Moreno Lopera, Andrés; Ruiz Machado, Wilson Alonso
2013Improved mixing condition on the grid for counting and sampling independent setsRestrepo López, Ricardo; Shin, Jinwoo; Tetali, Prasad; Vigoda, Eric; Yang, Linji
2014Specific primers design based on the superoxide dismutase b gene for Trypanosoma cruzi as a screening tool: Validation method using strains from Colombia classified according to their discrete typing unitMejía Jaramillo, Ana María; Olmo, Francisco; Escobedo Ortegón, Javier; Palma, Patricia; Sánchez Moreno, Manuel; Triana Chávez, Omar; Clotilde, Marín
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 1465